Hi, just a quick thread to show you all what I'm working on. My inspiration came when I saw this picture.

I don't know the original artist sorry.
I particularly liked the way the sun is shining through breaks in the clouds and brightening the terrain, it provides a great atmosphere. And so I made a world machine macro that would also bake a cloud map into the diffuse texture. Along with some custom rock textures, this is what I have so far.

I plan on creating a few overhangs next.
I'm not sure how much you plan on adhering to the concept, but the mountains you currently have do not match the "Rough, Jagged, Flat" appearance that the concept had. In the concept, the sides of the earth features were very steep, and were nearly perpendicular to the flat grassy top.
Transitioning from that, I also noticed that snow was in very odd places in regards to altitude. The snow was accumulating at the bottom of the mountain, and the top was clean and grassy. After a quick look, however, I did notice that those snowy areas were mainly in shaded areas where the sun couldn't melt them, but I wasn't sure if this was actually intended or not. Again though, I don't know how much you plan on adhering to the concept, as from what I can tell, there is no snow apparent.
Lastly, while I personally feel that your rock textures are nice, your grass seems too green. It lacks color variety, and is perhaps too bright.
Other than that, your terrain looks quite nice, and I'm looking forward to see where you go with this.
EDIT: I noticed that you said the picture given was more of an inspiration rather than a concept, so if you are working from a mental concept and not the painting, you can disregard my initial comments on "adherence to concept".
nice progress so far, will be interesting to see what you add to it to push it past that "another worldmachine generated environment" vibe