Well it's 02:51AM on the 25th of December here in snowy South Korea so I figure I'll start us off. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you have a great day and that Santa is good to you.
3 more hours until the old bearded man starts his trip around here... even so Merry Christmas from Romania! Hope the spammers get their coal in their Christmas stockings.
Mere Christmas everyone! Best of luck to very one in te new year. Hopefully the Xbox720 and ps4 can infuse a bit of life into the new year for our industry.
Merry Christmas to everyone! I am sending positive vibes out to all of those who have lost their jobs in 2012 myself included. Lets make 2013 our year and to those working keep on doing awesome.
I think I need to start a new tradition. After my kids open all the presents I gather everyone around the old la-Z-boy recliner. Then I instruct my kids to pick their favorite toy for a fun activity. I will then take those toys and burn them in the backyard in a old rusty barrel. While they are crying I will tell them that I did it for their own good. Life isn't fair and sometimes it's downright rough, appreciate what you have and work hard, etc. And years later when my oldest is fully grown he will tell me it was that exact moment in time that made him the man he is today, and he now appreciates what he does and doesn't have, all while talking over the phone and the clear wall of glass at the state prison.
Merry Christmas Polycounters.
We're having a great time here, basking in the glow of the LCD monitor while playing all the new games on Steam. I hope your day is going as well as ours.
One of the best communities around, its great to be part of it. I am very grateful for everyone here.
Hope to hear some good xmas news about employment for those that have found themselves without on this holiday season.
Here is some songs for all of you:
And a more simple version at https://dl.dropbox.com/u/448525/keep/Polycount/PCxmasTree.jpg
Merry Christmas!
We're having a great time here, basking in the glow of the LCD monitor while playing all the new games on Steam. I hope your day is going as well as ours.