The high poly model is solid. Where the overall piece is falling flat is in the textures.
1) Consistent specular value across the entire surface.
- You need to highlight the edges on the specular to help sell that this is metal.
- Try to overlay a noise texture across the different color sections you have. That will quickly help you break up the shininess of the turret
2) Your colors are too flat, and the break ups you have for each section are too perfect.
- Try experimenting with wear and tear on the edges and on the panels. Add scratches, discoloration, and experiment with dirt/grime coming from under the nuts.
Right now the turret looks too clean. All of its paint is portrayed too perfectly.
Those are the things that initially caught my attention. Hope that helps
In addition to what has already been said, I think you should try experimenting with an ambient occlusion pass if you haven't already got one, in order to get some more depth in the texture, and if you already have one try intensifying it a bit. If you have done your baking in xNormal you could also try baking out a curvature map to get some more highlights in there.
@Slipstream Thank you for feed back. Defenetly some good points. I tried to highlight the edges on the specular map but ones it is in Marmoset it dose not come through too well. Will try to mess around with lighting, or will try to highlight the edges even more.
I added the grime and dirt/grime from the nuts, but I think I need to make it even stronger.
@ Thanks, I ended up multiplying the ambient occlusion pass, making it twice as strong. Also I am looking in to baking out a curvature map now.
While I am still trying to finish up the Auto-Turret texture, I did some work in my spare time on this little ship. For this one I will try to keep it all hand painted texture.
That is a good point Benton. Initially I was hoping to use the high poly only for reference when doing the ambient occlusion for the texturing, but why not use it if I have it. I am going try and see it i can get the normal map up today.
While I am at it here is an update of the Ship that I posted not too long ago. I am trying my hand out in texture painting, still trying to get the hang of it and have a long way to go.
I am shooting for a Auto Turret. The main reference that I am going for is mix from Missile Turret from Star Craft and Gun Turret.
1) Consistent specular value across the entire surface.
- You need to highlight the edges on the specular to help sell that this is metal.
- Try to overlay a noise texture across the different color sections you have. That will quickly help you break up the shininess of the turret
2) Your colors are too flat, and the break ups you have for each section are too perfect.
- Try experimenting with wear and tear on the edges and on the panels. Add scratches, discoloration, and experiment with dirt/grime coming from under the nuts.
Right now the turret looks too clean. All of its paint is portrayed too perfectly.
Those are the things that initially caught my attention. Hope that helps
@Slipstream Thank you for feed back. Defenetly some good points. I tried to highlight the edges on the specular map but ones it is in Marmoset it dose not come through too well. Will try to mess around with lighting, or will try to highlight the edges even more.
I added the grime and dirt/grime from the nuts, but I think I need to make it even stronger.
@ Thanks, I ended up multiplying the ambient occlusion pass, making it twice as strong. Also I am looking in to baking out a curvature map now.
While I am at it here is an update of the Ship that I posted not too long ago. I am trying my hand out in texture painting, still trying to get the hang of it and have a long way to go.