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Blender: How do I apply texture to mesh?

polycounter lvl 9
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Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
Hi guys...

I need to know how to apply texture map to meshes in blender?

I've created the meshes in Milkshape, and used Uvmapper to map out the mesh, then create my texture in Photoshop. Now, I trying to assemble my mesh, and I want to use Blender 3D because I can set the meshes in it's own group (better then MS), but I need to apply the textures I made so I can make sure everything is placed correctly.

Can someone tell me how to apply texture maps to mesh in Blender?

(The mesh have already been mapped out, and the textures have been created, now I just want to assemble the mesh using Blender, because it's easier than MS.)

Thank you. :)

Also, when I put the mesh pieces in it's own group (using "M") the meshes aren't visible unless I click on the box (group) that I've added them to. However, I would like to be able to have them in there own groups, but still be able to see them all together (if this makes sense). Is there a way to put the meshes in it's own group, and still be able to see all of them in one view without having to click on each group (box) individually ?


  • James Ordner
    In Blender, select the mesh and add a new material to it. Then go over to the textures tab and add a new texture. Set the texture type to 'image or movie' and open your texture. The texture will now show up when rendered, but it will be using generated coordinates rather than the UVs. All you have to do is scroll down to the 'mapping' tab and set the Coordinates to UV and everything will be good to go.
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you James... please hang around, because I might have more questions about what you just told me. LOL

    Going to test it out now.

    Umm... Is there any chance you know the answer to the other question I've just asked below the one you just answered?
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    I don't see "UV" option in the "Image Mapping" tab...
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    So I've went to the "Texture" tab, and set the type to "Image or Movie", then I went to "Image", and open my texture. Now I can see it in the preview. Next I went to the "Image Mapping", but I do not see any option for "UV".

    This what I see:


    There is no "Mapping" section, only "Image Mapping" if that's what you meant... But still I do not see the "UV" option.
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    Never mind found "Mapping", but still don't see UV in the Coordinates drop menu:

  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
  • Overlord
    Try changing your texture from DDS to something else. It might not allow that format to use UV maps.
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you kat.
    Thank you Overload.

    I still don't see the option.. :(

    Perhaps I need to select/deselect something enable to see UV?

    Could one of you show me a screenshot of what I should see?
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Read the tutorial I linked to above. Right now you're making what should be a relatively simply action complicated and confusing for yourself by stabbing in the dark (button mashing).
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    Ok I'm reading it... thank you kat!
  • James Ordner
    Ladytron wrote: »
    Also, when I put the mesh pieces in it's own group (using "M") the meshes aren't visible unless I click on the box (group) that I've added them to. However, I would like to be able to have them in there own groups, but still be able to see them all together (if this makes sense). Is there a way to put the meshes in it's own group, and still be able to see all of them in one view without having to click on each group (box) individually ?

    You're using layers, not groups. They are two different things. You can view all layers at one time by pressing the tilde key.
  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 13
    I see what's going on. You're trying to add a texture to the environment, and not the model.

    Go ahead and delete the texture on the world and follow these steps:
    1. Select the object you want the material on.
    2. Go to the object's material tab to either select the material you want to use or create a new one.
    3. Go to the texture tab after there's a material put on the object and create the texture from there. When you go to the mapping drop down, you will see the UV coordinates.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Another way is to:

    1. Select Mesh and go into edit mode
    2. Select all faces (or those you want the texture on)
    3. Go to UV editor window
    4. Select all the UVs
    5. Go to the 'image' tab at the bottom and choose an image

    In the 3D view you can go to textured view with alt+z
  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 13
    Mongrelman wrote: »
    Another way is to:

    1. Select Mesh and go into edit mode
    2. Select all faces (or those you want the texture on)
    3. Go to UV editor window
    4. Select all the UVs
    5. Go to the 'image' tab at the bottom and choose an image

    In the 3D view you can go to textured view with alt+z

    That is another good way to do things, but it does have the limitation of only showing the texture in the viewport, and not final render. If you want the best of both worlds, you can turn on GLSL view (Hit "n" on your keyboard in the 3d view, go to Display, and change the shading from whatever it is [usually Multitexture] to GLSL), and set the viewport rendering to "Material". This way, you still need to set up the materials and etc, but you get a close approximation of what your lighting and scene is going to look like. If you want to just see the colour of the texture, just turn on shadeless in the Material tab in your properties window.
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you, James Ordner!
    Thank you, ProperSquid!
    Thank you, Mongrelman!

    I will try this out right now! I truly appreciate the help guys... I really do. *hugs* =)
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