Decided to learn 3DSMAX , not out of necessity but I think it cant hurt plus having access to Mental Ray and maybe VRAY in the future can only be a boon. So far it does not seem to be that much different, however I have a few questions:
1.) I find the geometry snapping functions very unreliable. There are quite a few options, however I dont quite feel I can comfortably rely on heavily using them. Are there scripts to change the behaviour to something similar to what Blender does in Vertex snapping mode?
2.) The knife ( Cut) tool is "too sensitive" and has a tendency of creating double vertices. Any way to change this?
3.) How can you completely freeze a camera that is set as a viewport? I often have to modell from a set perspective ( Camera Perspective) and as soon as you touch the middle mouse button it completely ruins your camera alignment. Makes you go paranoid XD
4.) Is there a way of making UV seams more visible (fat) ? I really have trouble seeing them a lot of times. Is Textools worth using from MAX 2012 onward? Thanks in advance. anaho
3 - [ctrl]+[c] creates a camera in the scene. You can then set any viewport to render from that camera. Using MMB will still move it around, but then you can [ctrl]+[z]. Maybe freeze/hide the camera or put it on another layer makes it unmovable - not 100% sure.
4 - Max shows UV seams as thicker (3 or 4 pixels) colored edges - green by default. I'm not sure what you mean by more visible. Oh wait. Did you turn visibility of the edges on?
green must be on to show edges
blue is the difference between 1 pixel wide or 3-4 pixel wide seams.
I never found fix for it.
4) Try setting rotation from Local to Gimbal in the Reference Coordinate System dropbown. This will show you the actual axis. If you are not animating, you can change your animation controller to TCB (Quaternion based). Then you don't have to worry about Gimbal lock.
You can change mouse navigation in customize >customize user interface>mouse
4. you can make gizmo size bugger in preferences>gizmos. Or you can try F5, F6, F7, F8 buttons to chose axis or customize it to whatever your want .
ps. Snapping is really still much better in Blender IMO while 3d max did its best to overtake any Blender advantage.
lately the knife tool can flip out on you so I make sure max saves 3 files, one every half hour as a backup.
Snapping has always been a bit iffy and takes some getting used to.
Uv seams are pretty thick (tick uv thick checkbos under the uvunwrap modifier) and right now they seem easier to see than the lender ones.