This is my first attempt at high poly modelling. I learned a lot about texturing and modelling while doing this, huge thanks to Millenia for his awesome tutorial. The screenshots where rendered with the 3Point shader. All the modelling was done in 3ds Max. I'm planning to use this in a environment that I'll do soon. I still have to tweak some minor things specifically for UDK. Crits and advice are welcome! Here are the screenshots:

And the texture layout:
The whole model has currently 4.042 tris. It could be optimized even more, but my target count was at 5k tris, so when I reached 4k tris I stopped optimizing. I will probably work a little bit more on the grips later since they look a little bit flat at the moment.
I would really appreciate some advice about what can be improved, so I can correct my mistakes the next time I'm doing something similar