I'v made my portfolio and put up some images. i would really appreciate it if some of you would go onto it then come back and give me some feedback, such as which images should i take out or leave in
thanks for your time

todo list:
show textures
retopo worm
grunge wood and concrete on water tower
images of Environment
texture sizes
new and better assets
Fire hydrant needs to have more interesting diffuse.
your water tower needs more dirting up, specially on wooden planks and concrete.They look way too clean.
I like your Mini Gun.
Continue and keep churning up those assets.....
I think the best piece you have is the razor worm, but it could use a serious retopo. Throughout all of your assets there are a lot of unnecessary polygons, most noticeably on the sewer grate (way, way too many sides). If you cut half of the number of sides you had on that model, the silhouette itself would barely change, and it would be easier to cut the top into quads instead of having a bunch of tiny triangles. But this also goes for all of the other assets on that page.
You should look into composition a bit more too, and lighting your models. Use a primary light, but perhaps think about using a back light as well for your models because they can get pretty dark in some areas. But as ageless said, your diffuse needs some serious work. Think about why and where they would have those stains.
Also take out the alien in your characters page, he needs much more to become portfolio-worthy, like stronger and more defined forms. One more thing, watch out for giving something a 1024x1024 map that doesn't need it, like most of your environment assets. If your going to have the room for detail there, use it. It's fine to work in 1024 but in the end you may want to size it down to 512x512 to see too much detail is lost, and if it's not, use that size. A normal environment often wouldn't use 1024x1024 maps for every single individual asset. And show the textures man!
But if you are going to show the environment you have on your front page, you should work on that wood grain first, the tables and ceiling look way too similar and repetitive. Personally I wouldn't put a link to your casual blog with your professional portfolio, instead I would take the best from the blog and put it in the portfolio. You're showing definite progress in your blog, so keep it up. Make some new assets, fix old ones, do everything you can to keep practicing!
wow, that was kinda big mistake thanks for spotting it. iv fixed it
thanks for your feedback. ill look into roughing up the water tower and go in and add some scratches so you can see underlying metal on the fire hydrant, hopefully this will make it more interesting
Also I would suggest putting together a focal piece of your portfolio. Something that wows your viewers. A lot of whats on there is minor props and such. It's a good start. It just needs to be stronger if you're looking for work.
- Remove the splash page, let people get to the good stuff immediately.
- If you are going to have a "lightbox" feature you should probably include some higher resolution images, because right now it looks like they are exactly the same size, which kind of defeats the purpose of having it in the first place.
- Let people download your images, in case someone wants to save your work for later.
- Add a resume, it's always good to let people know what you can do and what you have previously done.
Other than that I think it's looking pretty good. Just make sure to work hard and update your portfolio regularly.
this is a problem with the people who host the site (http://www.portfoliobox.net/) they have blocked right clicking and i have sent them a support ticket asking if its possible to disable it but they said no and that alot of people are still not happy because its easy to get around it, which i find ridiculous as you stated potential employers would save images. only way around this would be to find a diffrent portfolio site or create one from scratch. i have added links on the right to each image hosted on dropbox but i guess it doesn't stand out enough
Would probably be far cheaper than what you're paying for your "pro" service right now. I'm paying like £10 a year for my portfolio hosting and the (.com) domain is free for 2 years.
Not trying to burst a bubble but you need to make a full environment or make some more polished props.
completely new site!
and iv added a todo list to my original post.
thanks i used some of that template it helped a lot.
if i combine them then the main page becomes kind obsolete so should i take it out for now?
props like these should be pretty quick and simple to make, so try and make something difficult that takes some time to better show your modelling ability
thanks you have given me some very useful info here. iv been reading the articles in the wiki and listening to some of the podcasts over at http://gim.acanaday.com which also give some good advice. These sources did hint at what you have said but having a clear list is very helpful. Taking the manhole cover out was one of the things i was thinking about when i wrote i wasn't very happy with how the normal baking turned out because when i made the model i was still learning the process so i used too sharp edges which resulted in weird normal's which i realized quite a while later
This is not going to land you any jobs. In fact I'd say you're doing harm by having it there, because it makes it look like you consider a simple manhole cover to be a full-scale task.
My advice, for what it's worth, ditch the manhole and focus on your other assets. They are much better.
regarding the man hole i refer you to my post above you, and iv now taken it out
Best of luck.
I'm not a pro like some of these other guys, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but these are some of the same things I've been told in the past, I think it's knowledge you could benefit from as well.