I searched the forum,read some stuff,watched some videos,but still,this one bugs me.
So,point of tile textures is to save texture space and get better definition.
Anyway,on videos i'm seeing,use tiles textures all over the UVW's,then he places the UVW seams anywhere and it fits,since it's gotta fit due to tiles.
However,it often looks like this?
so,u get that pattern,roll in with textures and u get job done since it fits.
What i was thinking is to do something like this:
so,i split my object into exactly equal parts,then i scale them all to the max size the one can be to fit into texture space,and then place them 1 on top of the other.I get maximum texture resolution for tileable.
It sounds good,so i guess it must've been done before,right?
My question would be,how do u do it?
I found no option in max for him to recognise and align these UVW parts.
I tried it manually,but its a pain in the butt.And i'm at the most simple of the objects.
Saw that coords thingy,but coordinations relative to map wont work since they arent the same for every piece of UVW,and if i use absolyte,then i get some phenomena where my UVW gets infinitly thin and disapears.
It was easy with it,7,8 clicks and job was done.
Awesome stuff
Here it is,in case any1 else needs it for similar thing:
Two things that might help. Firstly, you can offset a shell by exactly 1 U or V and it will "copy" the texture to that shell when the texture tiles naturally. Secondly, if you take a shell that is already unwrapped and placed nicely then you can select it, and from the unwrap menu choose copy, then paste the uvs over a duplicate shape. This works really great for things like tires if you want all the tires to be exactly the same.
Check out this episode of the Poylgon Pilgrimage where we discuss Normal Maps. It talks about proper UV layout. Look under the section titled: "UV Island Layout for Normal Maps"
Hope this helps!
Edit: You mentioned your UV island becomming super thin if you try to move a shell by an exact number. If you change the coord icon (bottom left I beleive) from absolute to relative (click it to swap the icon) I think that will solve that issue for you. As absolute is it taking the whole shell and making it fit on the 0 or 1 or whatever axis, so it has to be thin for it to fit. As relative it moves the whole shell (actually each vert of it) by that amount.
Hope this helps!
Many thanks