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Raymond Meeks (Portfolio)

After much deliberation, I have built up the courage to post my website :)
VertexArtist.com <<<< Updated
I have been a long time lurker. Recently, I have tried to help where I can...
I am currently looking for a junior or recent grad position modeling.
I would appreciate any and all critiques.

Edit: Posting what I am currently working on up here.



  • Vertrucio
    Offline / Send Message
    Vertrucio greentooth
    Your portfolio repels jobs:

    Ditch the flash, ditch the fancy scripts.

    No one, absolutely no one is impressed by it. Literally. I mean it, no wants it. No, it doesn't look fancy, stop clinging to it.

    Put all your best work on one page, medium sized images, and let the recruiter scroll through your stuff. Make the medium sized images clickable for much larger high res images if something catches their eye.

    Recruiters are literally going through hundreds of these portfolios a day and they sometimes only spend a few seconds looking at one. This means any milliseconds spent waiting for a page to load, or for it to transition is wasted time that could go towards getting a recruiter to latch on to one of your images.
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    Sadly your portfolio doesn't contain any solid piece for the moment. I scrolled down and in 2 sec I left. It's sad but true at the same time. You sould start new project and put more effort into it to impress.
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    I don't think many folks understand this, but I'll put it plain... this is your competition, aka "the bar" ( A standard, expectation, or degree of requirement) this is the definition of "the bar" in the dictionary)) http://cghub.com/ and http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=92838 there are plenty of people out there hitting that bar. The goal now is to hit it yourself.
  • RMeeks
    @ Vertrucio: I had read that before and considered my website fairly slim. I will do what you say and cut it down to one page and ditch as much of the scripted stuff as I can. Thank you.

    @ djoexe and ZombieWells: Thank you for the feed back. I am of course still working on projects and will be sure to get them up on here. I hindered my own growth by waiting this long to show what I was working on. Djoexe I would have asked what you considered solid but ZombieWells gave me a huge list of incredible work.

    As much as hearing all of this hurts, it inspires me to push that much harder.
    Still looking for critiques :).
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    hey we all learn as we more forward, keep up the hard work, know whats out there. You're on the right track, just keep it up!:)
  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    We are surely not here to destroy your hard work, but to give a true thought about it. I'm not a pro at all you know, but the goal in doing a showcase is to catch the eye. If you look at a picture but in a manner of a second, feel to skip to the next...it's not a good thing. You have to put everything you can imagine to blow the mind of the viewer and make sure he's still looking at your first piece of art because its too beautifull, before going to the next piece and find it even more awesome. Lesser is better, butt lesser mean greater.
  • RMeeks
    My learning process has been a long chain of reality checks. I don't feel that you were destroying my work. I feel that you were helping me to realize that there is still work to be done. I have no desire to go back and work on those old pieces. I have learned what I can from them and intend to move on to new grounds.

    I think part of the problem in the past has been working off of weak concepts. If there are any concept artists out there that will be willing to let me have a go at their work please let me know.

    Started working on this to learn more in zBrush. Hands and feet have hardly been touched.


    Question for anyone out there. Is there a way to make the clay tubes brush not chew up the other side of geometry on thin parts?

    Oh and haven't gotten to the website updating yet, but it will be done.
  • ysalex
    Offline / Send Message
    ysalex interpolator
    Yes - go into brush --> auto masking --> back face masking

    This auto masks the polygons with normals facing away from your brush.

    That from memory so the actual menu its in night be wrong, but I don't think it is. Also you have to set this feature for each brush you use, so if you switch from clay tubes to clay buildup you'll have to reset it.
  • RMeeks
    Thank you for the quick reply, probably was a noobish question...
  • BasicallyNormal
    Offline / Send Message
    BasicallyNormal polycounter lvl 7
    If you're looking for concept art, this might do the trick:


    Huge collection of great concept artists, literally every kind you can think of. :)
  • RMeeks
    Thank you for the link. I am going to share that with my friends for sure! :)

    I wasn't quite sure what proper etiquette was on this sort of thing. Are most artists ok with you using their work to create portfolio pieces or should you always contact them and ask permission?

    Progress on my anatomy study. Working on the hands and feet tonight after I post this.

  • RMeeks
    Fear is the mind killer :P Updated website a bit. Take a look if you want. VertexArtist.Com
    Working on content. Open to suggestions of course.
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