Hey all!
I'm taking a break from finishing some stuff in my portfolio, so I can take on a much needed mini environment.

I hoped to take the product and basic design skills I've learned at work and come up with something I could "own" a bit. Here's a quick breakdown of my process and goals.
I wanted to take a mundane piece and change it up a lot. So I started with the bus stop and broke it down into big volumes/recognizable shapes. I also envisioned a very rounded aesthetic; and thus, created something that feels almost playful in a way. It has a duplo-like construction. The plan is to go in a more realistic direction for texturing to ground it all a bit more. This whole process has affected scale too, as I wanted something bigger.
Functionality played a big part in the design, though I wanted to let the playfulness influence it. This meant I needed to find a balance between a sense of realism and absurdity. Here's a visual breakdown of parts

Finally, as far as story is concerned, I wanted the scene to be rather isolated. I was inspired by Borderlands and how so many structures are located in the middle of nowhere. So the idea is that the stop has been out of repair for a while and is rundown.
The end goal is to learn cryengine and put the scene in there.
I started cracking on the low poly and doing some test bakes. One side is at 6012 tris. Some folks say that's spot on, and others say it's way too much. Keep in mind that I'm not planning on going overboard with optimization, but I want to avoid being sloppy.

There's a lot more thought and design that happened, but I'd like to avoid a wall of text and bore everyone.
I would love recommendations for how many texture sheets and what sizes to use!
Overall design I love, shows you have put in a decent amount of though into the function which always helps sell an idea.
Afraid I'm in the "too high" boat polycount wise, but then I am used to working to racing game budgets and not FPS games!
One area you should be able to save a few is the light sticking out at the top. From your sense of scale the player wont be able to get right up close and I bet its got as many polys in as the large blocks top section it attaches to?
If you do want to keep the budget you have, you could always create a LOD of the model, this would show you have an understanding of optimization when sticking it in your portfolio.
For textures, have you thought about deciding on a texel density first, then working out what parts will be using the same textures and building up your texture sheet like that? So if you wanted to use 512 per meter, work out how many unique meters you need to cover your model and go from there?
Hope that makes sense, still early here and in need of more coffee!
I agree with you about the light fixture. I took a second look and realized how atrociously high it is.
Some folks have recommended getting rid of the paneling geo and other's think it should stay. I want to keep it due to how close it will be seen, and it helps give the blocks a bit of depth in my opinion.
The LOD idea is great. I'll add that to the checklist.
To be honest, I'm a little unfamiliar with texel density, so let me do some reading/research and I'll get back to you
Thanks again for the feedback mate! Much appreciated
I love the duplo feel to it and the balance of being playful/realistic. However, and this is just my brain, but the first thing I think of what I see this is "portable." And then I think, huh, a portable bus stop, that's kind of interesting. Why would a bus stop need to be portable? And then I look around for clues, and I see that those rounded edges are just rounded edges, and not hinges of some sort so that it folds out. The solar panel and dish definitely contribute to this idea. I half expect to see a quick cartoonish animation next, showing how the telephone, satellite dish, solar panel, and cargo pieces all fold up in to itself.
I think you've thought about it's function in an of itself really well, but now you've created such a strong piece that it's functionality will begin to speak about it's purpose in the environment, not just of itself in a solo piece. What I said above is what I see your piece naturally speaking to.
Again, just how my brain saw it.
PS: I'm not a fan of the first render. The black background and gray and what not. Okay for previews, I guess, but don't use it for pimping.
PSS: Welcome back to Polycount, lol. What happened?
Razorb: Thanks! Yeah, it's definitely on the higher end. Hoping this new optimized version is a bit more acceptable.
Stradigos: You're spot on with portable idea! My main thought process behind that was that having modular blocks would allow for easy transport and construction. I also toyed with the idea that the blocks could be used for other structures by whoever built the bus stop. Either way, glad ya dig!
You're the first one not to like that render! haha. My vray scene wasn't doing a good job showing off some of the subtle sculpting, so I wanted to try something a bit different. As far as polycount, I accidentally got banned for spam by the mods. Got sorted this morning
m1neh: Thanks mate! Love the work you guys have been doing, and polygoblin's weapon is ace.
I cut down the tricount a bit more. But I don't have an issue with it being on the high end, as it's the only structure in the scene. That said, I'm trying to avoid sloppiness. Still going back and forth on the paneling.
Thanks for all the feedback guys!
Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe you can reduce the polycount on the corners by making that nob floating geo. It may already be, I can't really tell all that well.
The low poly has so many tris though!
If I was doing it then this is what my low poly would look like, well a part of it anyway :P I don't think you need to add in those panels on he side at all. It is just a suggestion though but I think that would be fine! But its all up to you and what you are aiming for
Saferdan: How many tris is that block? Would love to compare! I got enough feedback about nixing those side panels, so the frame is down to 7k tris. Big improvement!
Saferdan: How many tris is that block? Would love to compare! I got enough feedback about nixing those side panels, so the frame is down to 7k tris. Big improvement!
Took everyone's advice and cut it down again. I need to let the normal map do more work and rely on the geo less!
Down to 5k tris from 7k
These two corners are the exact same shape - so why do they have different meshes and polygon densities? Also, I'd suggest using something more like a geosphere instead of a regular sphere (with longitude and lattitude loops). Like this cube but probably with 4 loops instead of 3.
I however have a suggestion about your low-poly; in the highlighted area I think you should connect your edges "straight" instead of having them merged to the center, in order to avoid long thin triangles. And you might want to consider reducing the number of loops in some of your less important bevels. Also, about the design itself, in the high-poly, I think you should skip the cushions and make it more comfortable for more than two people to sit on.
Other than that it's looking super, keep up the good work!
As far as the cushions, I'm going back and forth. You're definitely right about the function issues, but it also serves to break things up a bit visually and I like the balance. I'll keep thinking on it
Since Christmas is over, I'm working on the low poly again; and thus far, it's sitting at a little bit under 7k tris.
It doesn't matter, really. Whichever has a lower tri count. As long as you stay away from long and skinny triangles. Those will give you shading errors down the line (think you're good here).
I baked out the vending machine on a 1k texture sheet with the low poly sitting at 2k tris.
I also unwrapped the biggest chunk of the bus stop and baked it out on a 2k map. Hoping to put the second chunk on a 1k. It's sitting at 6,249 tris
Can't wait to start texturing this sucker!
The colors are taken from some really cool Brazilian street art that I've been studying for World Cup designs at work. http://bostondog.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/dsc_9996.jpg I think I'll end up using them a bit more sparingly. My goal tonight is to look at my mood boards and do a few color blockouts till my gut says it looks right. I'll be sure to share!
Wester: Thanks man
For the color scheme, I think it could work well. Just keep a constant close eye on your saturation and brightness levels of the colors. Eager to see what's next!
This has so much potential and good work on the clean bake! Looking forward to seeing more texturing!
Here's an early texture for one section of the stop. Right now, the peeling paint is too haphazard; and it needs to have more wear and tear at the bottom and less on top. I also have yet to add my grunge, dust, and sand layers. Spec is super WIP.
But it definitely is eye catching. I look forward to seeing your progress.
Shiniku: You're totally right about the discoloration. Just haven't added those adjustment layers yet. A few areas will remain bright but the saturation will get a lot more patchy and along with grunge layers and such.
For example the top would be more exposed to weathering, where as the bottom more exposed to damage from vandals etc.
Mix it up! :thumbup:
Shiniku makes a great point about the discoloration. Start fading out a bit of the intensity to add to the wear and age, especially those elements that are exposed to the sun more(exterior). The cracks and crevices should keep the current saturation due to less exposure to both weather and human elements.
Right now, I need to start cranking on the second texture sheet and make sure the look jives, and I'll start adding these bits.
As for the color theme, well, i see where your going with it, trying to be diferent and all but I agree with the crit that it looks like a toy with that color scheme. Those are not colors that belong on coated metals, sci-fi worlds, etc. Not that there are written rules on what needs to be that way, it just doesnt feel right.
Remenber Kuller is your friend, you can still keep the vibrant/colorful look with other colors. https://kuler.adobe.com/
HP: First off, I love your work man! I definitely understand the color not jiving with some people. I realized when I chose it that it would get a lot of mixed feedback. Love or hate. At this point, I'm going to keep going; though all the paint layers are separate, so it'll be easy to change down the road if need be. I did use Kuler though. I chose an analogous color scheme, with green being the main color, blue as supporting, and yellow as a highlight.
Alex: Thanks mate!
Perlinfalcon: I added some reddish rust/grime to help get those warm colors in. Thanks for the tip! As for the Central America comments, my inspiration came from a little further south. Haha. At Adidas, I'm working on a lot of concepts for the next World Cup in Brazil; so we've had employees taking trips down there and bringing back inspiration. Graffiti has been a big reference. These pieces are a great example:
Here's quick update. The spec is still wip and I haven't painted out seams yet. I need to add some graffiti and define the rest of the materials, start the next texture sheet, etc. I added some grime, damaged the bottom a bit more and cleaned up the top. Also added a sand/rust pass.