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Popping in Particle System

polycounter lvl 10
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King Mango polycounter lvl 10
I have a smoke emitter using a 16 tile subUV texture (4x4, left to right, top to bottom) sample and I'm experiencing some popping in the middle of the sequence. It's completely random.

There will be no popping for the first ten seconds or so of the sim, (particles live 8 seconds max) and then there'll be a pop in of the particles life cycles. Some several seconds will go by then another somewhere else. It's completely random as there is no regular location, nor timing. Sometimes it'll go another ten or twenty seconds w/o a pop.

I am using a spawn rate of 4 and am running about 20-23 particles at any given time.

I've tried setting the spawn rate to one and it never pops with just one particle. Anyone else ever see this kind of thing?

I have my subuv index set to in/out of 0/0 for the first point and .9375/15 for the second point.

That is the value I extrapolated from the UDN tutorial where they use a 2x2 image and they have it set to 0/0 and .75/3.01.


  • imbueFX
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    imbueFX polycounter lvl 5
    The values in your subimage index are confusing, how is it that you're entering 4 values? Do you have your distribution set to UniformCurve? If so, that's very likely causing the issue. You should be using ConstantCurve. Your first point should have an In Val of 0 and Out Val of 0. Your second point should have an In Val of 1 and Out Val of 15. See if that helps your issue.
  • King Mango
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    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    I have two points in the curve.
    The first is: in=0/out=1 and the second is in=.9376/out=15
    Sorry about the way I wrote it, it definitely wasn't clear. That's how they do the subuv index at udn but I'll definitely try your way. But do you mean an out of 16 at one? I wondered why it wasn't that way when I first looked this up and that's usually the kind of thing I try anyway but haven't in this case.
    Thanks for the jog I'll get back in a bit.
  • King Mango
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    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    Ok I mis typed what I had. I had in/out of 0/0 for the first and .9376/15 which is what it should be right? Because if I put the second point at 1/15 the last image will never render.
    It also doesn't do it with a spawn rate of two. Just three and above.
  • King Mango
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    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    Well with some fiddling I got it to look good with a spawn rate of two. Will have to figure it out later. :cheers:
  • imbueFX
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    imbueFX polycounter lvl 5
    No the last point should be at 1, not a decimal. It works in 0 to 1 space, where 0 is the birth of the particle and 1 is the death. I'm guessing the UDK example you're looking at was made by clicking in the graph editor. So while it's close to 1, it never was accurate.

    There's no reason that spawn rate should be related to a flickering issue like this, something else is wrong either in your emitter or material. Can you post a package up so I can look at your setup?
  • King Mango
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    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    I appreciate it. I've never used a file hosting site before. Is there a preferred service? The package is 8.84 MB after best rar.
    The first one to pop up in google was filehosting.org but I always associate these file hosting sites with viruses and malware.
    Here is the link:

  • imbueFX
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    imbueFX polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah I'd use something else, it wants me give my email address to download (ha!)

    I'd use dropbox and use the share option, always works great for me.
  • King Mango
    Offline / Send Message
    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    I was afraid it would. It asked me for mine when uploading but I have a good tosser addy.
    Feel free to use that if you want. I'll check out dropbox in the meantime.
  • King Mango
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    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    Unless you make a formal request I don't really want to install a new program on my machine. I try to keep things tidy. Especially on a new build.
    But I will if it is the only way to get the file to you. :cheers:
  • imbueFX
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    imbueFX polycounter lvl 5
    No I'm sure there are tons of other ones that are free and don't ask for an email. Do you use Skype? You can also send it to me on there.
  • King Mango
  • King Mango
    Offline / Send Message
    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    BTW no, I don't use skype. Teamspeak is about as close as I get to that. :D
  • imbueFX
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    imbueFX polycounter lvl 5
    Ok I got the file, but I'm getting a version error when I try and open this:
    Unable to load package (C:\Users\William\Desktop\EmitterPoppingAssets.upk) PackageVersion 865, MaxExpected 864 : LicenseePackageVersion 0, MaxExpected 0.

    Strange, I usually see this when I try and open a file from a version of UDK newer than mine. But I am running November 2012, which I thought was the latest. Any ideas on this?
  • King Mango
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    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    I didn't know there was a November build. I just downloaded mine about... two maybe three days ago??? and the install directory says it's an October (UDK-2012-10) build even though the text on the unrealengine.com link says it's a November build.
    They must micro update. Would be nice to see a version name w/o having to fire up the program. BRB
    My UDK install reports itself as being Version 10499 Changelist 1426632
  • imbueFX
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    imbueFX polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah, that's the exact same info I'm getting. I'm at a loss.
  • imbueFX
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    imbueFX polycounter lvl 5
    So I tried opening it at work and got the same version error. Then I redownloaded UDK and in fact, it is a slightly newer November build. Crazy.

    Anyways, so it looks like your issue is related to sorting. The popping you're describing is a particle that randomly decides to jump in front of another one. Since you have lots of variation in the different modules (color, velocity, acceleration, etc), the pop is more noticeable.

    You can do a couple thing to fix it. One is try changing your sort mode to 'newestFirst'. The other thing that will help is avoiding using particles that have such a strong alpha. Try moving down your 2nd point in alpha over life to a lower value than 1. Since there will be more blending because of translucency, then sorting issues like that will not be as noticeable.
  • King Mango
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    King Mango polycounter lvl 10
    I cut opacity in half and it's not so noticeable. It's probably now one of those things you only really notice because you know it's there. I'm calling it done for now. I suppose it's also possible that my animation sequence has a heavier alpha in one or more frames causing it. I'll try some experiments at some point with it. I will probably wind up rendering a new sequence anyway as I am thinking a 4x8 would give even better results.
    Thanks for your help ImbueFX
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