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Posing In Zbrush

Hey guys!

I just finished my first few sculpts and I've been watching videos on how to pose these characters. I keep hitting one snag though.

I'l using transpose master and planning on building in a Zsphere rig, but in all videos the demonstrator says to drop the model to the lowest subdivision but my models are mostly dynameshed so they have no subdivisions. I have them split into a bunch of subtools so using transpose master would be really sweet. Though my rig lags like crazy when i try to pose it from all the polys. Does anyone have any tips?

Also should i sculpt with subdivisions as opposed to just dynameshing everything?

Thanks guys!


  • Autarkis
    Offline / Send Message
    Autarkis polycounter lvl 8
    To avoid that problem, you should retopologize your mesh and then subdivide and reapply your dynamesh details to the mesh. Otherwise, like you said, you're going to run into pretty big lag.
  • Kot_Leopold
    Offline / Send Message
    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    This is the issue you run into when using dynamesh. What you could try to do is use qremesher to quickly remesh whatever it is that you're working on, then reproject your details. Something else to keep in mind when working on characters that end up being posed is to establish a pose in the beginning stages of production, and only then putting dynamesh to use. Hope this helps.
  • JDunay
    So maybe I could merge all my subtools down to one mesh then us the qremesher ? or should i not merge them down?
  • Autarkis
    Offline / Send Message
    Autarkis polycounter lvl 8
    I would keep all your subtools separate and remesh them individually, might be simpler especially when you're going to be projecting your details back in a subdivided mesh
    ( which used to cause issues when that feature was introduced in zbrush, i am not quite sure how it is now.) Try it out and figure out what way is best :)
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