Hello guys. I just want to know if any of you has some free time now, to run a Civil War against me. The purpose would be doing a character creation, maybe just the concept or a hand painted model (or both, if we have enough time). I haven't thought in a theme yet. We could think about something.
Anyone interested?
Would posting our threads here be a good and ideal idea?
Maybe a team up theme? Someone concepts the other models and they can both texture sort of deal, so we can get concept artists in on this idea, also we could probably throw in some environment artists and get some environment artist in on this since they always feel left out?
If we go even crazier and get some animators in on this and make this one big collaboration effort for a team work themed contest/challenge and experience of working together?
Edit 1: updating..for better understanding.
Everything is tied into the characters, environments telling his/her story, the environment can be a pedestal type of setting very decorated, the animators pose and provide short movement animations, walking, running, special movement ect..
\/ is that referring to the street fighter challenge, no one put the characters into the environments (that I know of) made or didn't make them for specific characters, also these would be original settings...(well as original as they can be.)
I had an idea for a theme:
Modern day garbage pail kid.
1. Create a main character for a children's book like game. This could be a great oportunity to explore different drawing/painting styles than we are usualy stuck.
2. Create an stylized soldier. Stylization here could be freely done, going into cartoon, caricature, manga or even more serious styles (like GOW, maybe). Soldiers can be from any country (or even from another planet) and any time period.
3. Create a fighting game character. This could be a more humorous theme, since fighting game chars tend to use bizarre outfits, and have strange motivations to fight.
If we really start a Civil war, I think we should keep a small group, to ensure comitment. 3 guys, or maybe 4. I'd pick the guys who are more closer of my humble level of ability (to not be massacred, haha!).
$!nz: Man, projects with a large staff like this tends not to work, unless they are paid. Let's try things simple. Each artist create your own char from scratch, and it's responsable for all creation steps. These kind of challenge is made for learning purposes, right?
EDIT: Those are just some initial ideas. If you have better ones, let me hear you.
Just do something you really like, and you will learn more.
Who is giving excuses here?
EDIT: Although after seeing your skills JR I may have to scrub what I said XO
you didn't read me well
No but it's fun.
This is probably the best topic idea I've ever heard. Magical.
Regardless, good luck guys!
- BoBo
The Fables creature idea is good too. It includes the Goblin thing.
Know I would cause that's not a bad idea and seeing as I saw the movie twice I got a good idea of what to make.
Also agree with skylebones.
Yea JR I agree was just wishful thinking I guess, but wouldn't It be awesome.
In all honest I am still wondering why the hell Polycount hasn't made any games themselves...& of course you would have to put the demo on Kick starter & besides the Company/Studio contracts preventing you all.(guess I answered my own question there.)
Is it acceptable that team up with a char modeler type?
Also; What about utilitarian/NPC characters?
Smiths, Weapons masters, store keepers, old wise man living in a dumpster, etc..
14K tris for total character count. This can be for one character, a horde of characters, or even one 'hero' character with a horde of minions. However you want to split it is fine as long as all characters and item sets fall into 14K tris.
2048 diffuse texture only. This can be split however you want as long as the total fits within 2048. You can create any number of maps to bake into the diffuse (spec, bent normal, normal, cavity, etc) but the end result for presentation is diffuse only. The goal is to have a model that looks hand painted. This can be cartoony or something more in tune with classical painting. Just diffuse only.
What do people think of that?
To make it more interesting I guess just making a small army of various creatures, not just goblins, add Troll's, Orges, ect. or maybe just 1-3 characters within the budget.
I wonder if the seal was just pulling our chain.
Someone get a brief up soon, if nothing happens I'll do something down the road for myself.
JR I guess these are the only people interested at the moment.
It's JR's show. He's the one who threw down the gauntlet to the community
Looking forward to what comes of this.
- BoBo
So let's put this in hold for while. Next year, when life come back to the normal, we can discuss again.
Happy x-mas and a wonderful new year for all of you, mates.
PS: Bobo, I'm seeing we plan to start your concepts on holydays... so feel free to move on!