Hey guys, It's been a while since I've last posted...
This is my most recent work, although I've already showcased this etc... I'm willing to take feedback to update this piece later on, but things that are screaming FIX ME NOW I'll take into consideration to get onto right away
I'm not familiar with this gun, but these renders look great! If I were to offer one small piece of advice it would be to lighten the background a bit, right now I feel it's a little bit too close to being black on black. keep up the good work!
Thanks Archanex! Looking back at it now you're right it could use a little brightening up
and thanks Toasty but ah damn, really?
I'm a noob with gun model types/differences and this being my first ever attempt so I had a salad bowl of images placed together through searching for M99... thought customization could have been that heavy xD... I'll fix that immediately thanks!
This is an M99:
Sorry for going off topic, but you might want to alter it if you're putting it in a portfolio or something.
and thanks Toasty but ah damn, really?
I'm a noob with gun model types/differences and this being my first ever attempt so I had a salad bowl of images placed together through searching for M99... thought customization could have been that heavy xD... I'll fix that immediately