Is it just me or do games nowadays (more so really serious games) lack catchy beats that really stick with you?
Sure I love orchestral music more so than most folks, and I am an absolute jazz fiend; but none of these beat really stick with me as much as the games of yore and a couple of platformers today. Why so serious and somber dudes? Can we have a couple of fun tracks?
I am not wearing nostalgia goggles nor a Nintendo fanboy (it just seems as though many of their titles have good music) it's just that many of the games today and serious games about don't seem to have the killer beats old games had.
What say you polycounters? Do you think the music is too somber these days?
Eh... I don't know. It's true to an extent. But games themselves have changed. Can you imagine how f'n annoying a catchy tune would get if you heard it literally a thousand times while playing something like World of Warcraft?
There's room for melody. I like it when they have at least one very memorable tune, and the rest is all for setting a mood. Halo is a good example of this. I love the main music, and it's very memorable, and the rest of the soundtrack just serves to add flavor to the game itself.
Starcraft 2 has great music as well as Bioshock 1 and 2, Tony Hawk Pro Skater had a great sound track. Music in games isn't different or unique anymore, it can fit any style, so its harder to stand out.
That brings another point "epic" why does it always have to be epic?
Nothing calm, nothing smooth, it must always bold and fierce and somewhat
"mature", what's the deal with that?
because western games are trying to be movies in every possible way (and failing miserably). big orchestral scores! licensed pop music! ~~~we gotta be more epic and BaddddAsss~~~ the game industry is obsessed with the term, "epic".
because back in the day, sound chips had limited capabilities and you needed to rely on more on catchy composition to get you by. afaik nintendo still uses realtime sequencing with the same cheesy n64-era roland soundfonts for much of their music, so they still have to rely on composition some.
and lastly because we're out of the "exploratory" phase of video gaming, most popular games don't try much new these days to warrant anything more creative than a boring orchestral score. (see first paragraph)
thankfully hideki naganuma is still around and making music, so let's hope he can save us.
say what you will about big musical scores, but Journey's soundtrack is amazing.
Elder-scrolls main theme is pretty memorable, in it's many incarnations, not so much Skyrim for me though, I guess it suffers from that MOAR EPIC, syndrome, it's a little over the top.
It's uhm.... not? There's an abundance of calm tracks that accompany you while you aren't fighting or dungeon crawling. You know, for those moments when you are picking flowers or just enjoying the scenery.
Even final fantasy has fallen to the "epic" syndrome 13's tracks were really forgettable compared to the rest of the series aside from Barthlandeus' theme, the whole game was waaaaay too serious.
Basically put, games were limited in space so they would limit themselves to either 2 or 3 chips/tune per second, this progressed and stayed upto the PS1 and PS2 age since many composers came form here.
Now that we have people like Hanz Zimmer in games, they will apply their own traditional formula's.
Calling current age music for being 'epic' is just plain wrong, since you first need to look at the composers background before making such comments.
Games try to have epic moments and epic songs that will go with them, all the "epic" songs really just seem to muddle together and end up boring and unmemorable like Racer said.
Obviously. Games back then had less songs and were songs linked to specific areas, Bosses and moments and Music in games with no Voice actors or little to no talking will be even more memorable because you'll mainly be hearing the tunes in the foreground while you play instead of mashed behind every other sound.
You're likely to remember battle music in todays games or the calm music playing in Open world games you hear while dicking around.
Well I do think nostalgia goggles plays a huge part in this. I mean how much we're you thinking about the music when you first played the game and how easily you enjoyed the music during or immediately after playing such an awesome game?
I love the shit out of game music and keep albums of it rotating among my regular music. When an old favourite comes on I'm like "Awww yeah" but if I actually sit back and try to compare it to non-game music; it doesn't hold up. Not to say it isn't good but you typically won't get down and boogie with it. I mean Corridors of Time is a sweet piece of music but even it doesn't compare to the time when it was playing in the background as you discovered Zeal for the first time.
Also I don't think it is valid to evaluated modern game's music by how memorable it is when lets face it, the times since last playing them was about 4 - 5 years at best. Also it gets even more difficult to judge when we try to define 'modern games.' How old is that? 1 year? 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? Also now games come in huge AAA orchestrated releases and tiny little indie and mobile games with their own unique music.
Hell I can think of a few memorable game music that is not SNES or Mega-Drive bleep-bloops. (For me recent is like the last decade.)
- Anything by Jesper Kyd (Hitman, Assassins Creed)
- Borderlands
- Halo
- Mirror's Edge
- Deus Ex 3
- Ace Attorney series
- Bastion
- Starcraft 2
- Fez
- GRiD
- Fahrenheit
- Jet Set Radio
- Killer 7, No More Heroes
- Mass Effect
- Metal Gear Solid series
- Okami
- Portal series
- Skyrim
- Shatter
- Soul Calibur
- Anything by Danny Baranowsky (Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac)
and there's more I'm sure. And the kicker is: I haven't even played some of these games, just heard their music.
i like todays game music way more then the old stuff.
like all media, music is evolving and game music is no exception.
if you will you can see Deus Ex 3´s soundtrack as an evovled version of the Bladerunner score.
the thing that freaks me out is this obsession with movie-scores, that is definitely new.
like mentioned before, games are trying to be like movies as much as they can.
i realy hate hans zimmer and that his score for CoD MW3 will probably have more impact on game music then the gem that Black Ops 1´s soundtrack was.
For all you people listing a bunch of memorable music.... Can you sing / hum the tune to any of those songs? Or do you just remember liking the music? I think thats what the OP is talking about in terms of memorable... All those older games posted, I can sing the tune without listening to it. But games lately? Not a chance.
I think there's BETTER music now than when we were kids. Sure, we grew up with awesome stuff, but there's just more out there now--more variety--more styles--everything from the beepsandbops of something like SwordandSworcery to the electronica of Deus EX.
Also, if you're looking for goofy fun tracks, are you playing goofy fun games?
RayMan Origins had one of the best lighthearted scores of the last few years, imho..perhaps only topped by Bastion's soundtrack (search on bandcamp--its there to listen to for free and/or buy)
slipsius--I think we just suffered prolong exposure over years and years to many of those old tunes. And could you remember all 700-odd NES games' tunes? I can remember, offhand, maybe 20-30 of NES/SNES title themes, maybe a dozen gameboy ones, a handful of SEGA ones, etc. That's not a whole lot.
Sure, there is a LOT of generic music out there now--generic and/or'ambient' (ie purposefully forgettable), but then again, more games come out now too. A lot more. And we don't all play the same ones and aren't being identically culturally informed by a single source (NES) that we then go on referencing to each other through the entirety of growing up.
Also, yes, I totally CAN hum tracks from the rayman origins score and the Bastion score(the two games I listed in my previous post).
[ame=""]FFVII Crisis Core Soundtrack: The Price of Freedom - YouTube[/ame] And the music in Final Fantasy series in general, especially the ones that had Nobuo Uematsu as a composer. Need I say any more?
I'm 32 so I'm more nostalgic for 8-bit NES soundtracks, all those SNES games do nothing for me :P
This game had the most mind blowing soundtrack for me as a kid because they were making sounds I never heard on an NES before:
[ame=""]Skate or Die (NES) Soundtrack - Stereo - YouTube[/ame]
There is no real answer to what music is the best or not, it's based on your own taste and opinion. Trying to argue over music is like arguing what color is the best.
But my to answer OP, my own opinion why it's change is because music meant everything in ye olden days. Nowadays we have better graphics and we got voices. I think they rely more on these then making music that controls it. Just make some ambient music to go in the background while the NCP's and the player talk.
The medieval mandolin loop used in this song drives me a bit nuts because it's a pretty common commercial loop I've heard all over the place.
[ame=""]Bastion Soundtrack - Bynn The Breaker - YouTube[/ame]
Hm, dunno if i agree with OP. I like both music back then and right now. Mass effect 3, Deus Ex:HR and some other had really memorable music....Still, saying that, i must admit, one of the musics that sticks to my mind is Baldur's gate 2 theme song
And! Akira Yamaoka has done some awesome OST. While i work i do tend to listen to tons of OST from games and some movies. More often Silent Hill, and Ennio Morricone haha.
I think music today is not memorable at all. I play in a video game cover band, Kirby's Dream Band.. and during work I listen to tons of podcasts about video game music, listem to VGM playlists.. listen to nerdcore acts and OCRemixes.
The thing is, the composers of the past had MASSIVE limitations in what they could do. The NES only had 4 voices and 1 sample channel (for the most part, unless they had a custom built chip..but that was only applicable for some famicom games). So with these limitations they had to come up with a memorable, unoffensive and really melodic tune that you can hear over and over again and not get too sick of. Those channels also gave out the sound effects..and this went on until the 5th generation really. Now game soundtracks have to compete with voice acting, pacing, sound effects, explosions, ambient sound effects etc etc etc. When in old just had the music..and the odd jump/shoot blip.
I think another reason why games were memorable is that we replayed a lot of the same levels all the time because of their we would easily memorize their 30/60 second tune. But yea, most game music today sucks. Composers mostly compose it as a movie Jake Kaufman and Grant Kirkhope I feel are some of the few exceptions.
This better be a joke! If OP did imply this, I'm going to have to beat them with a rusty hammer.
Skyrim is many things (buggy, broken, streamlined, etc), but the music being boring and forgettable? How the fuck is the only game in the last decade that has a chorus that sounds something out of an old movie form the 70 with a heavy amount of viking lash = boring and not memorable?
I think it comes down to whether or not the music is memorable enough that you'd want to listen to it outside of the video game. The music in Castlevania, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Metal Gear, Mega Man, Street Fighter, etc, all stand on their own as well written pieces of music. This is why people do remixes and covers of them at Magfest and on In general I feel as if composers have shifted focus toward ambiance and almost totally away from music that can exist on it's own.
There is undeniably a ton of generic classical movie scores in games currently and I predict that no one will ever be paying homage to them by re-recording or remixing them. That's not to say that the NES didn't have it's fair share of absolutely worthless chiptune music. Here's an example:
There's room for melody. I like it when they have at least one very memorable tune, and the rest is all for setting a mood. Halo is a good example of this. I love the main music, and it's very memorable, and the rest of the soundtrack just serves to add flavor to the game itself.
oh i love the Halo 1 theme so much!
That brings another point "epic" why does it always have to be epic?
Nothing calm, nothing smooth, it must always bold and fierce and somewhat
"mature", what's the deal with that?
because back in the day, sound chips had limited capabilities and you needed to rely on more on catchy composition to get you by. afaik nintendo still uses realtime sequencing with the same cheesy n64-era roland soundfonts for much of their music, so they still have to rely on composition some.
and lastly because we're out of the "exploratory" phase of video gaming, most popular games don't try much new these days to warrant anything more creative than a boring orchestral score. (see first paragraph)
thankfully hideki naganuma is still around and making music, so let's hope he can save us.
Elder-scrolls main theme is pretty memorable, in it's many incarnations, not so much Skyrim for me though, I guess it suffers from that MOAR EPIC, syndrome, it's a little over the top.
If the game was played a lot, I remembered the music. Had nothing to do with the music being good or bad, I just played the shit out of that game..
Basically put, games were limited in space so they would limit themselves to either 2 or 3 chips/tune per second, this progressed and stayed upto the PS1 and PS2 age since many composers came form here.
Now that we have people like Hanz Zimmer in games, they will apply their own traditional formula's.
Calling current age music for being 'epic' is just plain wrong, since you first need to look at the composers background before making such comments.
ok, doesn't stop it from being boring and unmemorable
to me at least
Sacrilege ... [ame="
You're likely to remember battle music in todays games or the calm music playing in Open world games you hear while dicking around.
I love the shit out of game music and keep albums of it rotating among my regular music. When an old favourite comes on I'm like "Awww yeah" but if I actually sit back and try to compare it to non-game music; it doesn't hold up. Not to say it isn't good but you typically won't get down and boogie with it. I mean Corridors of Time is a sweet piece of music but even it doesn't compare to the time when it was playing in the background as you discovered Zeal for the first time.
Also I don't think it is valid to evaluated modern game's music by how memorable it is when lets face it, the times since last playing them was about 4 - 5 years at best. Also it gets even more difficult to judge when we try to define 'modern games.' How old is that? 1 year? 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? Also now games come in huge AAA orchestrated releases and tiny little indie and mobile games with their own unique music.
Hell I can think of a few memorable game music that is not SNES or Mega-Drive bleep-bloops. (For me recent is like the last decade.)
- Anything by Jesper Kyd (Hitman, Assassins Creed)
- Borderlands
- Halo
- Mirror's Edge
- Deus Ex 3
- Ace Attorney series
- Bastion
- Starcraft 2
- Fez
- GRiD
- Fahrenheit
- Jet Set Radio
- Killer 7, No More Heroes
- Mass Effect
- Metal Gear Solid series
- Okami
- Portal series
- Skyrim
- Shatter
- Soul Calibur
- Anything by Danny Baranowsky (Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac)
and there's more I'm sure. And the kicker is: I haven't even played some of these games, just heard their music.
like all media, music is evolving and game music is no exception.
if you will you can see Deus Ex 3´s soundtrack as an evovled version of the Bladerunner score.
the thing that freaks me out is this obsession with movie-scores, that is definitely new.
like mentioned before, games are trying to be like movies as much as they can.
i realy hate hans zimmer and that his score for CoD MW3 will probably have more impact on game music then the gem that Black Ops 1´s soundtrack was.
Also, if you're looking for goofy fun tracks, are you playing goofy fun games?
RayMan Origins had one of the best lighthearted scores of the last few years, imho..perhaps only topped by Bastion's soundtrack (search on bandcamp--its there to listen to for free and/or buy)
Sure, there is a LOT of generic music out there now--generic and/or'ambient' (ie purposefully forgettable), but then again, more games come out now too. A lot more. And we don't all play the same ones and aren't being identically culturally informed by a single source (NES) that we then go on referencing to each other through the entirety of growing up.
Also, yes, I totally CAN hum tracks from the rayman origins score and the Bastion score(the two games I listed in my previous post).
Also: World Of Warcraft. I mean come on.
portal 1 and 2
Mirrors Edge
Bastion(fuck epic soundtrack)
Pineapple smash crew
super meat boy
borderlands 1 and 2
arent these a ton of games that got great soundtracks, that arent from the 2d times.
And there rest of Bastion:
And Isaac!
This game had the most mind blowing soundtrack for me as a kid because they were making sounds I never heard on an NES before:
oh yeah, can't forget Skate or Die 2 either!
But my to answer OP, my own opinion why it's change is because music meant everything in ye olden days. Nowadays we have better graphics and we got voices. I think they rely more on these then making music that controls it. Just make some ambient music to go in the background while the NCP's and the player talk.
Super Meat Boy has a soundtrack that for better or worse will never leave my head.
I don't know what it is about this song but I was singing it after I played through Bastion. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing.
And! Akira Yamaoka has done some awesome OST. While i work i do tend to listen to tons of OST from games and some movies. More often Silent Hill, and Ennio Morricone haha.
And these are some of my favorite old school gems;
skyrim had an awesome soundtrack
dovahkiin!! dovahkiin!!...
The thing is, the composers of the past had MASSIVE limitations in what they could do. The NES only had 4 voices and 1 sample channel (for the most part, unless they had a custom built chip..but that was only applicable for some famicom games). So with these limitations they had to come up with a memorable, unoffensive and really melodic tune that you can hear over and over again and not get too sick of. Those channels also gave out the sound effects..and this went on until the 5th generation really. Now game soundtracks have to compete with voice acting, pacing, sound effects, explosions, ambient sound effects etc etc etc. When in old just had the music..and the odd jump/shoot blip.
I think another reason why games were memorable is that we replayed a lot of the same levels all the time because of their we would easily memorize their 30/60 second tune. But yea, most game music today sucks. Composers mostly compose it as a movie Jake Kaufman and Grant Kirkhope I feel are some of the few exceptions.
Skyrim is many things (buggy, broken, streamlined, etc), but the music being boring and forgettable? How the fuck is the only game in the last decade that has a chorus that sounds something out of an old movie form the 70 with a heavy amount of viking lash = boring and not memorable?
There is undeniably a ton of generic classical movie scores in games currently and I predict that no one will ever be paying homage to them by re-recording or remixing them. That's not to say that the NES didn't have it's fair share of absolutely worthless chiptune music. Here's an example:
I'd like to see more soundtracks like this, but heavier: