Hey fellow polycounters its been a while since I adventured into a new project. I am using 3DS Max this time round instead of Maya and am intending to do some cool things with the Material Editor inside of UDK
Anyway here are my WIP pics, Nothing is textured/lightmapped etc. yet. I am just putting the scene together to get a feel of where i want stuff, how it will look etc.
What do you think?

The concept art:


What do you guys think about where i am going with this? :poly121:
The aim for this project was to get used to using materials and getting decent with instancing mostly. The majority of textures shown have been instanced from one master material. The main metal thing is a placeholder texture at the minute and a lot of other textures either haven't been applied yet or are just wrong!
Anyway here is the update
However, the update with the tiling metal is something that would be used on a detail level (close up). Get soem real details for this huge main piece. A normal tile with a few extra edges can go a long way.
Also be aware that the original concept is a giant toilet.
As I said at work today, it's a nice solid start, I very much agree with @cholden
Anyways I've created you a feedback image, hope you find it useful mate, any questions, feel free to let me know:
Main piece texture WIP:
Texture map examples:
The aim of this project was to get as much as possible out of as little and as simple textures as possible. There are a couple of individual texture maps for practice etc. But it is mostly tileable textures -
The idea behind the main piece is to have holographic advertising all over it with some bloom etc. going on like you would see in futuristic movies and such. I have pulled a couple of images from the net to illustrate my thinking:
Making some progress on the scene now, I have added a few extra details to give the scene a little bit more life although the ground i feel needs something extra as I feel its a bit lifeless at the moment.
I have made a small start on the lighting as well. It's all still WIP mind
But anyway here is the latest update
So after long months of going back and forth its finally finished!! check it out, leave some feedback
nice job i like your version of the art test