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Strange problems - beginner

Hello everyone

I'm very new to udk

My first problem (using the November 2012 UDK Beta) is that after I load Necropolis, I can't select static meshes in certain viewports (unlit, lit, detailed lighting)


1: Can't select static meshes - when I click to select a (pillar) it selects a giant cylinder that's surrounding the map

2: When I switch to the "lighting only" viewport mode I can select things

3: then I can switch back into the lit or detailed lighting modes and have the selection visible, but if I try to select something else I get problem 1 again

4: sometimes in problem 1 I get this selection, like its selecting fog or something

my comp specs are: i7 3930k, p9x79 mobo, 32g ram, gtx 590 - udk is running on an ssd drive with 150gb free space

Does anyone know why this is happening? If I start a new blank scene everything seems to work fine as I start to build.


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