Hi everyone,
I've been working on this project for a while now and it's come to a point where I think I can share it with you guys. I was inspired by Elementrix, an artist on here who did these awesome 3D environments that look like 2D paintings. I wanted to do a project in a similar vein. Eventually I decided that I wanted to recreate one of the 2D environments from Bastion as a 3D environment. I ended up choosing the place where you meet Zia the singer at Prosper Bluff:

Without further ado, here's a video fly around of my project rendered in UDK. Watch in HD with sound! I don't take any credit for the Bastion soundtrack that plays with it. Hope you guys like it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4eaShimvrw"]3D Bastion Environment Project - Prosper Bluff - YouTube[/ame]
And here are some screenshots of the little scene from within the engine:

I'm open to tweaks and fixes from here since I might have some time on my hands in the next few weeks. Feedback is welcomed!
For some of my process work on this, check out my blog:
All together, this causes your scene to feel flat and lack depth.