I am looking at both, but need a little advice. I am currently a freshman in college and I want to start one of these programs so I can do internships during my junior year since all of the internships I have seen require you to be a junior in college. I am majoring in art since my university does not offer animation. One of my concerns is the amount of time that the programs take. This semester has been easy, but I don't know how it will be a year or two in the future. My second question is the difference between the two. I know that slipsius is doing iAnimate so I would love a response from him.
Most everyone I've talked to in the industry has had nothing but glowing reviews for AM, that being said iAnimate is a much newer and cheaper alternative. I personally haven't done either program, so I cannot recommend one over the other.
If you're certain you DO in fact want to do animation, I'd recommend focusing on one program or another, this will allow you to get the most out of it. If you're already enrolled in a college with no animation program, then that route is obviously not going to get you where you want to be. Just my two cents... hope that helps!