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Multi/Sub-object in conjunction with Unwrap UVW


So I'm going to texture my ship using a few different textures. For the planks of the hull, I'm going to use a material called "Plankor1" (Swedish for "Planks1"). I have assigned this part of the ship, the planks of the hull, to material ID 23.

I created a Multi-/Sub-object material, called it "Multi", and assigned it to the ship. I then created a Sub-Material for ID 23 (in the "Multi/Sub-Object Basic Parameters" list) and chose my "Plankor1" material for it. Then I assigned a Unwrap UVW modifier to the ship and went into the UV editor ("Edit UVWs"). Here's a screenshot:


Now, I thought I could just select material ID 23 at the bottom of the UV editor and it'd be automatically assigned to the "Plankor1" material. This is not the case for some reason. When I select material ID 23 at the bottom I can't even choose "Plankor1" in the top right (just "CheckerPattern").

I am completely lost here, could somebody please guide me a bit? I want to simply use several UVW maps on the same model, one material/UVW map for the parts of the ship that will use the same texture.



  • Stormie
    You have the change the material id of the objects faces in the modify tab. To get the image in the editor, you have to load it again. The option should be in the same tab though.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    It should work. I work a lot with multi/sub and that's the way i do it.
    If you've assigned your material while the uv editor was opened, material may have not been updated in it.
    Try to refresh the editor (ctrl+u) or close the unwrap and make a new one.
  • Hagroth
    I think I figured it out - I forgot to actually go into the "Plankor1" material and enable "Show shaded material in viewport" and "Assign material to selection".

    As you can see, I now have "Plankor1" material assigned to and showed in viewport in the slot for ID 23. This assigns it to ID 23 in the Unwrap UVW modifier, and when I choose ID 23 in the "Edit UVWs" window, the material "Map #16 (Planktextur 1.png")", which is the diffuse map of "Plankor1", is shown in the square/canvas. When I choose "All IDs" or another ID in the bottom rollout, it shows the material assigned to that ID. So I assume that's all in order.

    However, I can't seem to figure out where "Map #16" comes from. "Planktextur 1.png" is the diffuse map of the material "Plankor1", but 3ds max has chosen to call it "Map #16" for some reason. Why "#16"?
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    ah well, if you didn't assign the material ^^

    Your texture file lies on a "bitmap" node, which has several parameters to control tiling, filtering, uv channel...This is where you get if you click on the diffuse texture (planktextur) in your material editor.
    It encapsulates your texture file and has a default name at its creation (when you chose bitmap for diffuse color). Generally, this has very little importance. This is probably the 16th bitmap node you've created in your scene. Bitmap node could share the same name, for instance, if you've copied a material to make a new one, etc...so you may have several map#16 in your scene and a different texture file assigned to each.
    You can still rename them for you conveniance, but really, most of the time, i wouldn't bother.
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