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Team Arms of Redemption is recruiting team members

polycounter lvl 18
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Agent-X polycounter lvl 18
Hello everyone. My name is John Inman. I am looking to recruit new team members to help work on project Arms of Redemption, which is already a work in progress Third Person Single and multiplayer/Action Adventure/Sci Fi/HP Lovecraft mythology inspired Horror game that takes placed in modern day that my team is developing. I am looking to recruit hard working team members who are willing to work together, communicate, and share files amongst our team members to see that the project gets done. The focus for now is just to create one working level and a cinematic, to show at kickstarter to try to get funding, so we may continue to work on the project and see that it gets done. So the main positions I am looking for are:

1. UDK Level Designer: Help put together the level, add in sound that our composers and sound effects artists will provide, help with shaders, kismet, etc, etc.

2. Animators: Maya Animators. Responsible for animating characters in Maya.

3. Environmental Artists: Environmental Artists will be responsible for modeling and texturing environmental Assets. Knowledge of Maya or 3D Studio Max as well as ZBrush or Mudbox. Knowledge of how to properly layout UVS and texture assets using Photoshop and other painting software is welcomed.

4. Characted Artists: Modeling Organic as well as non organic objects, helping environmental artists as well if need be. Knowledge of Maya or 3D Studio Max as well as ZBrush or Mudbox. Knowlege of how to properly layout UVS and texture assets using Photoshop and other painting software is welcomed.

5. UDK programmers. We are looking for UDK programmers to help code and make the impossible possible.

For those interested in seeing what we got currently feel free to check out the team's website at http://johninman.wix.com/armsofredemption. And for those interested in joining the team, please contact me back by email. Thanks.

John Inman

Just to let people know me and Charles Jones (EvilEngine) who are both on team Arms of Redemption, we won some phases with the Make Something Unreal Contest. We won Second Place in Phase 3 of the Make Something Unreal Contest for best Character Pack featuring The Skaarj Pack.

Here are some of the fabulous models made from team Arms of Redemption. We are always looking fornew team members with talent to come join our team as well.
Male Hero
Darklord Creature
Work in progress Environment
Cthulhu Boss Creature
CthulhuRenderTest004.pngThis is an animated story board with audio we have done for our game. We will then transfer that into 3d in UDK.
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