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[Portfolio] - GummiEnte - 3D Artist

polycounter lvl 10
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GummiEnte polycounter lvl 10
Hello polycounters,

in the last months, I put together a portfolio: http://www.thorstenruploh.com/

Since I am looking for an internship in the next year, any feedback is very welcome!


  • hamzaaa
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    hamzaaa polycounter lvl 11
    Hi GummiEnte,

    cool ein paar deutsche Leute posten zu sehen. Sehr gut, dass du schon w
  • GummiEnte
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    GummiEnte polycounter lvl 10
    Thank you very much for your feedback!
    I will try to fix the texture of the weapon as soon as I can.:)
  • DonCornholio
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    DonCornholio polycounter lvl 9
    I think the biggest issue with your portfolio is texturing and presentation. The Helicopter Texture looks a bit inconsistent in the front and makes you orversee the awesome modelled detail you put into the rotor. I dont like the texture of your windows, if they're not see through add an environment reflection to them, that might help in some cases.
    I think your modelling is pretty solid but your textures often look blurred and should underline your models geometry a bit better.
    Also your screenshots could be made more Interesting by using stronger(maybe even colored) lights to show off your material definition in the texture and shader.
    The gray background also looks dull and boring to me and you could easily do better than that.

    Achja ich bin ja auch Deutscher ^^ . Bock ma n bissl zu chatten ? Studiere zur Zeit Medieninformatik und Interaktives Entertainment und mich würde echt sehr interessieren wie der Studiengang in Berlin so ist um das mal so ein bisschen im Vergleich zu sehen.
    Hatte mich zuerst auch in Berlin beworben, wurde aber leider abgelehnt. Denk mal ich hab mich zu weit vom Hausaufgaben Thema entfernt :-/ .
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    The portfolio looks pretty neat!

    The models are well presented with appropriate info and/or textures/wires.
    I reckon you could do with a complete environment to really go from a general 3d artist to an envo artist or something.

    Good luck!
  • GummiEnte
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    GummiEnte polycounter lvl 10
    Again, thank you!

    @butt_sahib: At the moment, I actually create an environment for another student project, but it's not portfolio ready.
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