Flushing out a low poly caravan that is pulled from site to site selling potions.
The chest on the back is just a placeholder for now as I'm wanting to make that a seperate model too and aren't quite sure how I want it to look.
Any crits are welcomed.

@Sipher3325 still debating between completely painted approach or going for some more sculpted details.
@Dan! do you mean something like this?: (quick rough, linework needs to be adjusted slightly)
Also feels as if the wheels are a tad too small.
It's funny you should mention the wheels, I originally made them quite a bit bigger but shrunk them down as I thought perhaps I had over done it.
Do you plan to have a sign on it? Or maybe some kind of giant, novelty potion jar/beaker/flask on the roof of the vehicle? Or maybe some fresh potions strung to the outside for cooling/aging? Maybe a couple of essential herbs could grow from a planter on the vehicle or something?
There's a lot that could be done to further sell that it's a caravan selling potions...
@DashXero: I wasn't sure whether to take this into the cartoon look or the more realistic fantasy look which is why I hadn't opted for anything too over the top yet, initial idea was to have the wooden plaque on the side to indicate potions and maybe a flask painted on the diffuse.
Initial idea was that this was a shack the trader wheeled to mage tournament events where he'd sell potions at the revive points.
He used to deal in illegal potions which is why he wanted an inconspicuous shack but after a freak accident (where he dropped a box of potions which caused some horrid side effects in him) he swore to only trade in legal potions.
I imagined the scene where this is parked up, a small camp fire, the trader with his giant chest of potions open ready to trade.
Playing with the idea of making the chest a living one caused in the accident. The only good thing to come of it as it doesn't like opening for anyone but him.
Though I'm liking the idea of having a sign hanging out from the top of the door way with a potion jar there, could be novelty or maybe a real one with a glowing potion inside. That might help break the symmetry up too
I also am trying to texture this in a semi realistic way with the stretched proportions. Akin to some of the old fantasy style paintings you'd see where they paint realism but everything has that warped feel to it.
As a result I've prepped the mesh and sculpted in the rope and am attempting realistic wood but I'm not quite sure if it's working right so any opinions on if it looks ok or if anyone knows a better approach to doing it would be great!
Any crits welcomed, meanwhile I'll work on the chest and sleep sack which I'll add afterwards.
Still need to add a mud/dirt/moss pass, fix a couple of normal map issues and paint up the sign.
Thinking of adding some worn paint to the roof too.
Currently around 4.1k polys
Haven't had much free time, new baby in the household so sleepless nights an all
Anywho, I've reworked a couple of times on the chest, not happy with it, going to redesign it again so to take a break from that I've added a dirt pass to the roof and attempted to add moss.
I've looked at references and even that flat moss on comes in a variety of colours and seems to vary from being in cracks to just on the surface. I tried to add more at the ends of the tiles since I think thats where water tension would keep the moisture. I didn't add it too much inbetween the tiles due to the lack of sunlight.
But looking at it's making me question it. Does it look right anyone?