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WIP - Ironman model! Feedback Welcome!!!

Hello everyone!

I am a beginning 3D modeler that just started about 4 months ago. I am currently working on my final project for a 3D modeling and rigging class. Here are the screen shots of what I've done so far.

1. 20831721.jpg

2. 66518135.jpg

3. 28615108.jpg

4. 53858561.jpg

I will post more screen shots as I finish up the rest of the model.:):):)

All feedbacks are welcome!!!


    Offline / Send Message
    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    The way you went about building the forms is really strange. Not only is the armor built in a lot more parts then you have modeled out, but they ended up being very boxy because you only referenced the ortho drawings. The ortho drawings are great to use but you also need to use perspective pictures to see the actual form.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    this might seem redundant but would be how i would build this, i would make a human basemesh in the pose i wanted , with correct proportions etc, then i would "sketch" the main shapes using little geo with subdivision on smoothing groups, for correct placement and in that you can re-edit incase something is wrong :)

    basically block it all out first and pay attention to perspective , study as much refs as possible to have the "feel" of the shapes !

    Good luck !
  • SirSean
    Thanks for the feedback guys! I am making this model with the mindset of just rendering out stall images because is for a beignning modo class without the animation part. From screenshot 1 to 4, I've probably remodeled about 3 times to come up with the diff pieces of armor you see in screenshot 4. I still haven't added much of the support edges in those screenshots so it looks kind of rough. Plus, I still don't know what the hell I am doing most of the time haha. Here are the Ref images I used for this model.




    P.S. The 3rd Ref image (which is the main ref I used to model this), some parts of iron are not the same as the diff views. Those parts were bad times haha.

    I will end up thickening all pieces of armor and hopefully have time to texture everything. Also will have Final screenshots by Dec 20 (Final Due Date).
  • SirSean
    I have roughly finished the Ironman model I've been working on for my final. Here are some of the screenshots from what I have now.

    1. screenshot20121220at844.png
    2. screenshot20121220at836.png
    3. ironmanmarks1.jpg
    4. ironmanmarks2.jpg
    5. ironmanmarkswithscratch.jpg
    6. ironmanmarkswithscratch.jpg
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