I come from max (10 years xp) and need to learn maya.
I want to make metalic tube with spline. With max it's really easy to create both sharp angle and smooth angles with filet for exemple.
I don't know how to do sharp angles with a cv curve inside maya.
Any help ?
Any idea ?
I remember some of this stuff coming up a few years ago and MoP took it upon himself to try and straighten out some of the problems by writing a script, it might be helpful, there might be more floating around CreativeCrash.com
Personally, I'm just thankful we use max at work.
Now when you want to "launch" it, you can't launch a script, you execute the procedure inside the script. Usually it's the same name of the script if the author wrote it properly.
ie: mayacantextrude.mel;
Inside the script might be:
global proc mayacantextrude() {
So to lanuch the script you just type: mayacantextrude
Edit: Maya's a rotten program because it has so much potential if it were in the right hands and I don't believe it is. It's like 85% there, all it needs is some good workflow attention and a few clever minds at Autodesk to fix a lot of existing SIMPLE outstanding problems like you are experiencing and it could be a rapid and wonderful tool use. Instead it's like MS with Windows, they don't know where to take it heading into the future and its stuck in some strange limbo land between a PC and a Mobile. Maya's the same, it used to have a clear position now no one is really sure where it's heading, it receives plugins, open source tech integrated into it and crippleware over the last few years under the guise of "New features" and like apart from the qt UI, innovation seems to have COMPLETELY stopped...Where next? Who knows? But I'm not holding my breath. Especially in the modelling department. One of the major new features to Maya 2012, or 2011 can't recall exactly, and this was advertised as a main feature, was a new "Slider HUD" for the already existing extrude thicken tool. That was it for modelling basically. Says it all.