This is a character I've been modelling in maya. I started with a box.
Here is the same character after smoothing

My goal is for him to look like this reference image, and also to rig him in maya and animate him.

I'm new to modelling and rigging and animating, but I'm trying to optimize this model so that it is in the best shape to be rigged and animated.
Here is a video showing more detail.
What should I do before I start rigging?
id say go to the wiki and check some of the tutorials on character modeling, or go to 3Dmotive.
The forearms need a few more loops so the wrist twisting can be spread down the forearm, it helps avoid the "candy wrapper" effect. You should research "twist bones".
The elbow joints are very compacted and going to cause problems, researching joint topology will help. I suggest taking a peak at the topology on www.hippydrome.com It will also help you with joint placement and vertex weighting.
You are going to run into a lot of problems with the shoulders and the lack of loops running across the upper chest.
He has some serious duck-lips going on and that is never a good thing.