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Blizzard Student Environment Contest

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ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
Hey everyone! Over the next month I am doing the Blizzard Student Environment Contest for World of Warcraft. I've played WoW for 5 years, and it was a huge influence on me getting into game art. The contest requires a small building or structure, trees, grass, rocks, and props. Should be fun and hopefully a nice portfolio piece!

My idea so far is to do a coffee shop run by mages. Some of my favorite areas in the game are the more magical ones like Dalaran and the Exodar, so I want to apply that style to the most magical substance of all... coffee.

Here are some rough building sketches I did today. I'd love some feedback on the buildings and the general idea.


  • lishaleston
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    lishaleston polycounter lvl 8
    I like 2 and 5 but I would like to see them mixed with 1. When I think of things run by mages, for some reason I think of buildings that look like they have been pieced together. Sort of like Howl's Moving Castle or the Weasley house in HP.
  • hadidjah
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    hadidjah polycounter lvl 8
    When I think of things run by mages, for some reason I think of buildings that look like they have been pieced together. Sort of like Howl's Moving Castle or the Weasley house in HP.

    Hahaha, I was going to suggest looking at the interior of Howl's Castle for reference (although rereading your post, it's not clear if an interior is expected. Whoops.), because that sort of mismatched, cobbled-together look is something I love in both magic houses and coffee shops. I agree that would be awesome to see carried to the exterior! On which note, I really like 5 and 6 the best silhouette-wise, but the boilers and chimneys you have scattered throughout these are really charming and I'd love to see them worked into your final piece. Every single one of them.;)

    [Also crap, now I have to go back to working on my Howl's Castle interior...c:]
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    1, 2, and 7 into a blender. Good approach. Be methodical and just keep iterating.
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the feedback! I tried to combine the good parts here:

  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    I started working on the building today to see how I like it in 3D. I'll probably refine the building and concept the rest of the environment next. Check it out! Keep the feedback coming please :). pdCCQ.png
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Woot, I love the model, awesome shapes :D
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    Agreed, Good picks to be blended together. Can't wait to see some color and mood on this thing.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    looks awezome, everybody loves coffee!
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    It's been pretty hectic with Christmas of course, so I haven't been able to do much work until today. Now I'm ready to get rolling on this thing though :D. I was thinking the building could float like the mage city, Dalaran, in game. It may need something more though like a magical glow or force field to show what's holding it up.

    Here are some concepts I worked on today to work out the composition and color:
  • lishaleston
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    lishaleston polycounter lvl 8
    I think I like the purple one with best. I think the yellow is too bright for coffee but I do like how warm the red is. Maybe you could try a warmer purple? I know some trees in wow are that cooler purple color.
  • krisCrash
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    krisCrash polycounter lvl 9
    Your original thumbnails have this very specific direction to each of them, but what you have now is going in all sorts of directions. Because everything is different, it fights for attention ... there's no focus and theme, is what I feel. Your idea is probably that various crazy wizards added bits over time, but I think your design could do with repetition - choose one roof design for most things, and make just one tower/bay window/chimney be different. Choose a thing that will dominate, use the rest to stage it.

    It's really cute I gotta say! Very warcraft with colours and chunkiness <3 I do like the bright golden trees. Maybe they're like a nice foamy cappucino. Maybe throw the grass towards yellow or blue to mesh the colours together.
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    Sorry for the length :P

    It's looking really good! You did a great job capturing the look and feel of WoW :D

    I also really like how you integrated the intelligence symbol into the design.

    What I think would be really cool would be to integrate more Mage/Magic elements in the piece - like maybe some cups and plates on the side of the building being magically cleaned or something?

    You could also add one of those chalkboards and write something funny on it (if I think of something I'll let you know haha)

    One observation (depending on whether or not this was intentional it's either positive or negative), the design you're going with really reflects a lot of the traditional Alliance Mage races (I see High Elf, Human and Gnomish). Looking at pictures of Dalaran though, High Elf architecture dominates so I don't feel it fits. This building though looks like it would be very much at home floating above the Mage Quarter since the districts of Stormwind mix a lot of Human designs with other races! I actually really like that, but I'm not sure if it's what you're going for.

    My only critiques are that I think that the corners of the main structure need something (maybe prominent cornerstones or maybe the wooden beams from the 2nd floor should go all the way down)

    I think the sign feels a bit weird for me. I think that the sign should be facing out so that people can see it more when they land on the island! You might also want to consider a sign near the edge of the island so that people below or flying near the island can see it.

    Very minor, I think the style of the chairs and tables make it look like they should be on top of bricks or something.
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    @lishaleston - I purple everything.
    @krisCrash - I definitely see what you mean with the different rooftops. I added a lot of coffee-related objects today so hopefully that will help it looking like a cohesive theme. I'm going to see how I like it when I start painting and keep that in mind. I like your color suggestion too!
    @ARCallejas - I'm very happy to hear that the look and feel is right from another WoW player :D. I do think I will push the textures more towards the Dalaran style--maybe use stone in places where I had wood. I liked a lot of your suggestions and added more stuff today.

    Here are the meshes. I still need to unwrap them so I haven't finished arranging everything. Textures coming soon!
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    All unwrapped with base colors:

  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    I started doing my textures. I had a ton of fun painting rocks today. :D


    Some textures:


  • lishaleston
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    lishaleston polycounter lvl 8
    These look sweet! I really love the grass and rocks. I would assume if they ever put this in game they would have to put some griffins in their someplace or maybe its just for the l33t players. I would like the warmer colors of the grinder and tank on the side be reflects in maybe the tables you have? maybe they have some sweet tile work or some table clothes. Just something to make those colors not seem out of place.
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    Love the subject and shapes you have going, but the red/green contrast of the grass against the ground is too much, imo. Bringing down the saturation and shifting the hue of either would help unify the colors some.
  • Yogensya
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    Yogensya polycounter lvl 9
    I like very much where this is going, and agree with pixelb. I took the liberty to give his idea a try in photoshop :)


    You can also try using a soft light solid color layer on top of everything and choosing a primary color like a shade of green from the grass to see what happens and work from there...
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    I felt like the front part of the ground was wasting a lot of space, so I made that smaller and adjusted the composition today. I also worked on that rock color and did some more painting. Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming :).

  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    Amazing how much lighting ties everything together.
    Just a thought:

  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    Progress! Redbulls!
  • Proxzee
    Great colors on here! The design maybe is too much on the toony side, but that is forgivable. This is going to come down to how well the texture painting looks.

    Take some of those bricks, put a cut or ding in em. Rocks look good. Finish them up. Add a few highlights.

    The tree needs to look like it has bark that is all...made of pieces. Individual shingles of bark you know? If you look at pixelb's tree in her winning entry you see how the surface has such depth? With highlights?

    This painting is looking on the flat side. MORE DEPTH. CUT DEEP.
  • jairo0182
    Looking good so far!

    Although, i would add a second color on the textures like the roof tiles, because right now is not looking integrated. What i mean by that is that the roof is pink, the grass green and the walls white, So try to integrate the colors a bit more.

    Good luck my friend!
  • djohnsen
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    djohnsen polycounter lvl 7
    Great texture work! I love the bright colours
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    More progress! Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll be going over all the textures again tomorrow--mostly the main building.

    Any more advice before my last work day? :O
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    Getting an error when I try to submit. Anyone else have this problem?
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    Got it! I had to go down to a 2.6MB file instead of 4.6MB for it to take my submission. I guess my internet is bad?

    Here's my final submission :D. I've learned a ton and had a great experience making this. Thanks again, Polycount!
  • hadidjah
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    hadidjah polycounter lvl 8
    Hahaha, I love it. It's super charming.

    And if I ever open a coffee shop when I'm old and need a way to support myself and my 15 cats, I hope you don't mind if I steal that name. C:
  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    oh my god. i love this.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    It's all so . . . juicy.

    It's like I'm seeing a Starburst. :]
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks guys :D. I'm glad you like it.
  • Snafubar7
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    Snafubar7 polycounter lvl 8
    This is really good :) I guess I got confused about the due date or they really meant the 14th, I can't enter my piece.

    I like your idea and color choice, really fits a Dalaran mood.
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    Mm, love that sky. Well done!
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