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Finally able to put my head down and start my final year project at uni.
Creating the Rekall room from the 2012 film "Total Recall"
Here are some shots of the room from the trailer.

Trailer -
and this is where the environment is at in Max

The max build was used to create the environment very quickly, it enabled me to throw in new assets and shape them at speed without worrying about constantly re-importing the scene.
It also creates an asset list of sorts from the object list. As everything in the scene is named it made it pretty easy to create.
Also started attempting to create some materials in UDK.

I need to start putting items into UDK so they can be replaced as assets are created.
Aiming to get the look of the piece close to the look of the movie, some of my assets are placed in different locations atm, especially the pillar placement.
I am aiming to improve my material definition, shader use and lighting/post processing use.
Also aiming to reduce the amount of time wasting, been brought up on it a few times in the google hangout so thanks!
Thanks for looking

You should post up the stuff you showed me recently with the shot from udk, especially with the extra work on the candle shader they were looking really nice
Good luck!
I'm enjoying the SSSish glow on your candles, a lovely shader perhaps?
There's not really anything to crit at the moment, so I look forward to more!
A lot of time has been spent setting up lightmaps for use in unreal and a few more assets are ready for texturing. Unfortunatly I got nothing done over christmas so now playing catchup (Lots of catch up)
I think next step to help fill the scene out would be the ceiling, then the lighting can start to be tested so that materials can be brought closer to a final look I am happy with.
Soulwind - sss is faked with a thickness map from xnormal, its mixed with a gradient from top to bottom in photoshop and has an animated flicker which is timed based on the vertex red channel. So I can just modify them in the scene and make a nice varied flickr later down the line.
Thanks guys.
After the room is sealed and the preliminary lighting is setup I can begin to construct some of the larger more unique items that have a large effect on the scene and help to give it character.
Lazy few weeks tho, woo christmas
For the table in the corner I am going off of this shot
(Hopefully thats the right table)
Which shows it at an angle to the walls, to give the people behind it some space probably.
Ah yeah lens flares, everywhere! legitimate use for them wahahaha, will have to learn how to do them
All textures have had their alpha channel removed and are now sitting at half the memory usage. All other single channel textures have been grouped together using seperate channels on rgb textures in an attempt to maximise efficiency.
Specular has been re-enabled on everything, running the editor in dx11 with image based lighting on disables spec. As there are no image reflection actors within the scene this means they come off as dull.
I have been shown the correct way of using gloss maps within UDK by Andy, now they all work and I can tweak them later down the line very quickly and easily if required. (yay)
Most textures levels have been sorted to get better results from compression and hopefully reduce value clipping.
And I have worked on adding a couple more assets into the scene but the head has taken up most of the last couple of days.
Made slow progress on my environment this week, been catching up with concept art stuff. working on fixing up the head low poly for a better bake and also did a first pass on texturing it, really not happy with it. Will come back and give it some more love later.
Wow, havent updated this in 3 weeks, so much for every sunday.
Got a decent amount done, have been catching up on a couple of the other assignments at uni so not as much as I would like.
Here is the standard shot, pieces are slowly coming together, going to be a whole mess of tweaks to do towards the end to get it closer to the movies look.
Here is a comparison image.. ish.. of my current progress towards that in this new section. Looks like there is a lot of tweaks. lanterns are the wrong size and such. I attempted to match the disks sheen at angles but it looks like I did not push it hard enough, wierd being less exagerated than real life
Wont get much done this week, I have started a high poly of the main chair in the piece, will hopefully have something to show of that.
Thanks for looking.
Here is where my scene is at nowish, comments welcome
Here is a quick paintover suggesting the gloss.
Also, pay close attention to the razor-sharp cg edges you have in the scene. You can try using trim to smooth some of those edges, or maybe even bevel the geometry if you have to.
Also completely forgot about the bevelling, will look into it again, put it on my sticky notes to look through XD
So much to do, so little time, I feel like everything being made at this point is so messy and un-refined compared to the begginning, learnt tons from it tho.
The weekend is hologram season tho
Need to get on with fixing floor/lighting... stuff...