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3D Portfolio - Real-time gallery for your 3D artwork on iOS/Android

Hey everyone -- I wanted to share an app I made for game artists. 3D Portfolio lets you bring a 3D game art portfolio wherever you go so you can easily show off your work in real-time.

  • Reads meshes in the universal obj format
  • Currently the tri limit is about 50k, but performance depends on your device
  • Textures can be imported in jpg and png formats
  • Diffuse map
  • Normal map
  • Specular map
  • Camera can rotate, zoom, and pan
  • Sample gallery included so you can take a tour without having to import your own models first
  • The in app purchase to unlock the full version on Android is a "managed item" which means it is tied to your account. If you delete the app or download the app on another device, you can recover the original purchase and unlock it.

Download links:
Importing your assets is easy -- you can check out the guide for details. Currently you can have up to 10 assets in your gallery, but this will increase in the future.

One of the reasons I wanted to reach out was to get feedback. I was surprised to see there's not really many apps like this, so I'm not sure if there's even much interest in this sorta thing. If there's enough people using the app, I'd love to build out more features in updates -- there's a lot of stuff I have on the potential roadmap, but I'd really like to hear what the actual users want.



Please let me know what you think :)


  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    INSTALLING! Great to see this kind of app for iOS! I'll come back with toughts :)
  • Stromberg90
    Offline / Send Message
    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    got to give this a try, looks quite solid :)
  • JTown
    Can't wait to hear what you guys think :)
  • CactusFantastico
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    CactusFantastico polycounter lvl 12
    Looking great, downloading now :D

    One thing I will say though is that the GUI could do with some touching up as it looks bland but the fundamental 3D render is good :p
  • JTown
    Looking great, downloading now :D

    One thing I will say though is that the GUI could do with some touching up as it looks bland but the fundamental 3D render is good :P

    Yeah my design skills are lacking heh -- was surprised I could come up with a decent icon. I'd love to improve the UI but I wanted to really focus on functionality to see if this app has any potential :)
  • CactusFantastico
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    CactusFantastico polycounter lvl 12
    Hmm that is true, my best answer is to get your self a graphic designer friend to work on it, while you focus on the main stuff :)
  • kunglao
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    kunglao polycounter lvl 18
    looks cool.
    Is it optimised for iPhone 5?
  • JTown
    kunglao wrote: »
    looks cool.
    Is it optimised for iPhone 5?

    I don't have an iPhone 5 to test with, but it should work fine and use the whole screen

    Try it out for free and let me know if there's any issues :)
  • Benton
    Looks great, gonna check it out :)
  • jimmyjaba
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    jimmyjaba polycounter lvl 5
    Awesome stuff, checking it out now!
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
    JTown wrote: »
    so I'm not sure if there's even much interest in this sorta thing.

    I have been interested in this kinda thing, I dont even have a tablet but I've wanted one just for something like this.. I assumed this kinda app already existed haha
  • JTown
    brwnbread wrote: »
    I have been interested in this kinda thing, I dont even have a tablet but I've wanted one just for something like this.. I assumed this kinda app already existed haha

    There's plenty that are geared toward 'viewing' models, but I only found one (Polyviewer) that offers something like a "gallery" or "portfolio" of your work and was geared toward gamedevs -- Polyviewer has a gallery mode in the paid version, but it's Android only.

    I use Unity but I'm more familiar with developing for iOS -- you might notice the Android version of 3D Portfolio uses an on-screen 'back' button instead of the hardware back button. I'm going to try and fix that soon, though.
  • JTown
    To reward early adopters, the price to unlock full version has been reduced to $2.99. As I release updates with new features, it'll slowly increase in price back up to $9.99.

    Some of the stuff I'm working on now:
    • add ability to have multiple galleries (eg 'character' gallery, 'weapon' gallery, etc) -- with this, you'll be able to have way more than 10 assets in your portfolio
    • improve camera controls
    • implement the hardware buttons on Android
    • talking with graphic designer friend that might help revamp the UI design

    I really appreciate all the kind words and feedback (especially the constructive criticism) -- if you've got any more suggestions I'd love to hear them :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    $10 is a bit expensive for a model viewer, also a free version would be nice so we could make sure everything looks good before investing in it, just include waters marks or hard limits
  • JTown
    ZacD wrote: »
    $10 is a bit expensive for a model viewer, also a free version would be nice so we could make sure everything looks good before investing in it, just include waters marks or hard limits

    I'm trying to make more than a simple model viewer :)

    The app is free to try out and you can definitely make sure your models look good without paying anything, and right now it's only $2.99 to unlock the full version forever. Around $10 is my target price once it's feature complete -- this is a niche app with a small market, so 99c like most apps isn't really feasible unfortunately. I don't feel like $10 is too much to ask for when it's an app that might help you get a job etc -- and for most users, it's probably tax deductible, too ;)

    But if the cost of a meal is too much to ask for to have your 3D art portfolio with you wherever you go, I encourage you to jump in early while the price is low hehe
  • [SF]Three9
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    [SF]Three9 polycounter lvl 15
    I'm surprised to see there is no mentioning of lighting adjustments in the now version or future updates

    Depending on the style of artist, this program won't do their models justice (like me, which most of my stuff is painterly and self-lit). Even that aside, if something is suppose to be dark and sinister, your lighting is going to make it look a bit happier, or throw off the color of what it's suppose to be. My models pretty much look derpy in here because of the colored lights and that I cannot turn them off. Granted, I'm not complaining about what you've done. You've made something I've wanted for a while, I just would love to be able to have lighting controls

    Also, you may want to consider approaching p3d.in if they would be interested in your product. They clearly already have something working on Android, but no IOS support...idk, just an idea

    I've been trying to bug the programmers at work to make a 3D portfolio app, because I know it would do well. Grats on beating the lazy people I work with :P
  • JTown
    [SF]Three9 wrote: »
    I'm surprised to see there is no mentioning of lighting adjustments in the now version or future updates

    Depending on the style of artist, this program won't do their models justice (like me, which most of my stuff is painterly and self-lit). Even that aside, if something is suppose to be dark and sinister, your lighting is going to make it look a bit happier, or throw off the color of what it's suppose to be. My models pretty much look derpy in here because of the colored lights and that I cannot turn them off. Granted, I'm not complaining about what you've done. You've made something I've wanted for a while, I just would love to be able to have lighting controls

    Also, you may want to consider approaching p3d.in if they would be interested in your product. They clearly already have something working on Android, but no IOS support...idk, just an idea

    I've been trying to bug the programmers at work to make a 3D portfolio app, because I know it would do well. Grats on beating the lazy people I work with :P
    Thanks for the feedback!

    Yeah lighting is something I want to expand on in the future. Full control over light direction/color would come later, but in the meantime I can let you toggle the lighting (to accommodate pre-lit models). Got a question for you though -- for the UI, would you rather:

    -set lit/unlit in the asset's setting screen where you set up the asset, saving the setting for that asset
    -set it on the fly while viewing the gallery, cluttering the UI a bit

    Or if you have another idea for how to do the interface I'm all ears.

    Wasn't aware of p3d.in -- looks similar to sketchfab. Thanks for the heads up!
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    is there anyway to have this app work on the pc or mac so users can set up the gallery there??? plus I'm sort of interested in using it as a model viewer for texturing, LOL
  • JTown
    Sage wrote: »
    is there anyway to have this app work on the pc or mac so users can set up the gallery there??? plus I'm sort of interested in using it as a model viewer for texturing, LOL
    Do you mean set up the models for the mobile app through a computer? I'm toying with a few ideas to help in this area.

    Or a standalone PC/Mac app? I hadn't really thought of doing a standalone PC/Mac app
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    ideally it would do both. :D on the computer side it would have a navigation system similar to maya, since that is what most apps are doing... Also it would be nice to be able to to change shading views with shortcuts. On the phone use keys 1 though 4, ditto for the computer... It would also be nice to set up the light rig you want. of course it be easier to do on the computer... then you can save the gallery to the phone... it might be able to be done with a config file.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    named the textures correctly and can't get them to show, only model shows, do I need the .mtl file inside the zip file? I tried with it only.

    (edit: nvm, I had to name the D, N and S in CAPS, or it won't work)

    Will we get alpha working one day? Since it's mobile and we can't afford tris, alpha would be an awesome feature.
  • JTown
    bugo wrote: »
    named the textures correctly and can't get them to show, only model shows, do I need the .mtl file inside the zip file? I tried with it only.

    (edit: nvm, I had to name the D, N and S in CAPS, or it won't work)

    Will we get alpha working one day? Since it's mobile and we can't afford tris, alpha would be an awesome feature.

    I'd like to support alpha down the road, yes. Ironically, the phones might have a better chance handling additional tris vs using a shader with transparency. Complex shaders get expensive on mobile platforms because of the relatively high resolution screen -- transparency would add another pass, which means each pixel being drawn with the shader needs additional calculations (whether that particular pixel is fully transparent or not).
    Sage wrote: »
    ideally it would do both. :D on the computer side it would have a navigation system similar to maya, since that is what most apps are doing... Also it would be nice to be able to to change shading views with shortcuts. On the phone use keys 1 though 4, ditto for the computer... It would also be nice to set up the light rig you want. of course it be easier to do on the computer... then you can save the gallery to the phone... it might be able to be done with a config file.

    Will keep all that in mind :)

    Wasn't planning on doing a desktop version but since I'm using Unity it's not out of the realm of possibilities
  • JTown
  • JTown
    Update came out on the iOS version. The in app purchase was removed from the iOS version and instead it will just be a paid app. If you had already downloaded the free version on iOS, you can update to the full version (you might have to delete and redownload) -- enjoy! It'd be a huge help if you review/rate the app 5 stars.

    Android will stay free with IAP to unlock full version -- by the way, the in app purchase is a "managed item" which means it is tied to your account. If you delete the app or download the app on another Android device (with the same Google account), you can recover the original purchase and unlock it -- you'll never pay for it more than once.

    Now to get this next content update out!
  • Darkmaster
    Offline / Send Message
    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Im having an issue where the mesh that I imported is stuck at the bottom of the screen. It's also not loading the textures... I've followed the correct steps so far!! Any ideas?
  • Kosai106
    Offline / Send Message
    Kosai106 polycounter lvl 13
    For some reason, it's zoomed in a lot on my mesh, and I'm unable to zoom out. Does the model have to be a certain size to fix this?

  • JTown
    Darkmaster wrote: »
    Im having an issue where the mesh that I imported is stuck at the bottom of the screen. It's also not loading the textures... I've followed the correct steps so far!! Any ideas?

    Hey sorry for the delayed response.

    Did you line your model up with the guide model? You can think of the guide model as a bounding box for a 'safe zone' -- stuff that sticks out of the guide might be out of the camera's view.

    Are your textures named correctly? .D for diffuse (case sensitive) and .jpg or .png
    Kosai106 wrote: »
    For some reason, it's zoomed in a lot on my mesh, and I'm unable to zoom out. Does the model have to be a certain size to fix this?


    Yeah use the guide model (see notes above) to size it correctly for the scene. In the next update I plan on increasing the zoom range (as well as the tilt range) for the camera, which should help as well.
  • Kosai106
    Offline / Send Message
    Kosai106 polycounter lvl 13
    JTown wrote: »
    Yeah use the guide model (see notes above) to size it correctly for the scene. In the next update I plan on increasing the zoom range (as well as the tilt range) for the camera, which should help as well.

    Thanks man.
  • achillesian
    bought it, its working pretty well for me, had to do some re-sizing, and I used jpeg and I think I'm getting some artifacts, but this is solid. Good price point (2.99). Now I don't have to spring for those snazzy business cards with all the pictures on them.

    would like: more panning zooming in/out features, transparency support (tga support)
  • JTown
    bought it, its working pretty well for me, had to do some re-sizing, and I used jpeg and I think I'm getting some artifacts, but this is solid. Good price point (2.99). Now I don't have to spring for those snazzy business cards with all the pictures on them.

    would like: more panning zooming in/out features, transparency support (tga support)

    Glad you're liking it! I hope to get camera enhancements in the next update. Transparency is on the road map -- currently brainstorming about the best way to implement it. :)
  • skankerzero
    hey man, this works great on my phone, but I'm having issues with it on my Nexus 10.

    Are tablets supported?
  • JTown
    Hey all -- the iOS version has gotten a couple updates:
    3D Portfolio 1.3
    -Camera has been improved again and can now pan (two finger drag)

    -obj files can now have multiple meshes. Keep in mind that one obj file can only have one set of textures, so they should be UVed together.

    -Lighting has been standardized (single white directional light)

    3D Portfolio 1.2
    NOTICE: With the new camera changes, you may want to tweak your model positions. It now expects them to have their origin zeroed out. The downloadable guide has been updated to reflect this.

    -Camera can now rotate all the way to the top and bottom of models along the vertical axis.

    -Camera can now zoom farther out and farther in.

    -Slightly reduced load times

    -Fixed a few small bugs

    -Added link to Overpowered Games' Facebook page in the settings menu, where you'll find news and be able to reach us (in addition to the existing 'Send Feedback' button)

    Hopefully I'll have time to get the Android version caught up soon. I'm probably going to switch Android to the same pricing model that iOS has (paid app instead of free + IAP). Annoyingly, Google doesn't let me switch a free app to paid so I'll probably have to take down the existing app and just reupload it. For the couple of people who paid the full version on Android, I'll try to find a way to give you free access to the new version when it goes live. Really wish there was a smoother way to do all this..
    hey man, this works great on my phone, but I'm having issues with it on my Nexus 10.

    Are tablets supported?

    Tablets should be supported, yeah. What kind of issues are you having? The only Android device I have is a Nexus 7 and it works fine there.
  • DWalker
    Try to work on making the app as user-friendly as possible - your target audience are artists, not engineers. File names should NEVER be case sensitive - it's easy enough to use toupper()/tolower() to force names into whatever format you want. The application should automatically determine the bounding box of the mesh upon loading, and adjust itself accordingly.

    I'm not a fan of Steve Jobs, but "it just works" is a very good design philosophy, especially for the casual user. Try creating a simple "bundler" app for PC/Mac that does little more than let the user drag and drop files into the appropriate slots and then handles whatever renaming, resizing, and moving about that is required. Try to get non-technical people to test it WITHOUT an explanation from you - the purpose is to ensure that somebody can easily pick it up and use it without reading the manual.

    As far as new features, I'd recommend:
    * User control of ambient & direct lighting (intensity and color, at least)
    * Background image (2d)
    * Screen capture (support for sending the images through e-mail and to wireless printers a definite plus)
    * Background environment map
    * Reflections
    * Animations
  • skankerzero
    JTown wrote: »
    Tablets should be supported, yeah. What kind of issues are you having? The only Android device I have is a Nexus 7 and it works fine there.

    This is what I see when I boot it up.

  • JTown
    DWalker wrote: »
    Try to work on making the app as user-friendly as possible - your target audience are artists, not engineers. File names should NEVER be case sensitive - it's easy enough to use toupper()/tolower() to force names into whatever format you want. The application should automatically determine the bounding box of the mesh upon loading, and adjust itself accordingly.

    I'm not a fan of Steve Jobs, but "it just works" is a very good design philosophy, especially for the casual user. Try creating a simple "bundler" app for PC/Mac that does little more than let the user drag and drop files into the appropriate slots and then handles whatever renaming, resizing, and moving about that is required. Try to get non-technical people to test it WITHOUT an explanation from you - the purpose is to ensure that somebody can easily pick it up and use it without reading the manual.

    As far as new features, I'd recommend:
    * User control of ambient & direct lighting (intensity and color, at least)
    * Background image (2d)
    * Screen capture (support for sending the images through e-mail and to wireless printers a definite plus)
    * Background environment map
    * Reflections
    * Animations
    Thanks for all the very useful feedback! I considered automatically scaling models, but I figured people would prefer to have precise control over the scaling. Perhaps I can make it an option to auto-scale. Noting everything in my todo list. :)
    Yikes. I'll look into it. Doesn't seem to be scaling the UI correctly. Thanks for the ss.
  • Brandon Kern
    Offline / Send Message
    Brandon Kern polycounter lvl 11
    Awesome app man, this is really great, however I'd consider redoing the UI. Since it affects the presentation of the stuff you're going to potentially showing employers or clients in person, maybe you should consider either making multiple themes or allowing users to customize the UI themselves by uploading images based on templates or something like that.

    Not trying to rag on you or anything, the app is fantastic from a programming POV, take no offense :P
  • JTown
    Forgot to update thread -- Android version caught up with iOS version last month and switched from free + IAP to paid app. New link (Google doesn't allow developers to change the price from free to paid so I had to take down the last one and create a new app): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.OverpoweredGames.ThreeDeePortfolioPro (if you're one of the few people who paid for the last version, I'll paypal you the cost -- Google doesn't offer me a way to give away the app...)

    note: Nexus 10 still has issues -- hopefully I'll have time to address that soon. Didn't know the resolution was so high haha.
  • JTown

    I know it's been a while, but I'm working on a big update that will bring custom lighting options.

    You'll have control over:
    -color/intensity of the light
    -the direction of the light
    -whether the light is fixed to the model or fixed to the camera
    -whether it even uses lighting or instead is fullbright

    These options are set up on a per-asset basis, so each asset can have its own settings that make it look its best.
  • Rik
    Hell ya! Looking forward to those features!!
  • JTown
    Update submitted to the app store. Working on Android version. Here's another screenshot:

  • Laze
    Works fine for iPhone 4, nice app guys.

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