Hi, this is a university assignment I recently Completed. I'm looking for as much critique as possible To improve the vehicle and it will also help give me ideas of stuff to write for my written report.
The vehicle had to be less than 5k tris using one 1024x1024 texture map. The vehicle is to be aimed at a handheld game platform such as mobile etc.
The vehicle also had to be Darksiders themed.
if there are any details missing that you feel i should state let me know and i'll do my best.
here are 3 paint schemes i designed for the vehicle
Im only going to speak of the design right now, a bit short on time. But I don't really see the darksiders theme on the vehicle except from the Death Skull.
Heres a link to a turntable of the vehicle. the quality isn't great though it can be viewed in 720p. I'll probably be sorting out another one which makes the details of the vehicle more visible.
any comments will be much appreciated