I remember reading that the best subject when painting or drawing is yourself. I'm a student and I've just created my own face, using 3Dsmax and Zbursh then I've imported it into UDK.
I'll try not to spam you with lots of images so I'll keep it simple. Also I'm not keen on posting images of my own face, for personal reasons.
Any feedback would be great! Thank you!
Base Mesh:

ZBrush Model:

- I know there are some white marks on the polypaint, sorry about this.
Retopologized Model:


- The final model is deisgned for a game.
Thank you for yoru time!
Here is a short list of things I would think about changing if this was a model I was working on:
- The mouth mesh is a flat, straight slit. The material applied hints at a regular mouth with a lot more character to it. The mesh is fighting the material and the model is losing. Take a few min to dig up some reference for mouths and study them. You have the edge loops to make it happen but its not really doing it right now.
- The topology around the corners of the mouth could use some work. Take a peak at this and use it as a rough guide
- The hair could use a sculpting pass before applying transparencies to it.
- The transparencies aren't doing much to effect the silhouette that much.
- Be careful how many transparencies you stack on top of each other, transparency is one thing that can bring a engine to its knees fairly quickly.
-Some of the hair transparencies have the hair going across the surface horizontally, no matter how you generate the hair, this is bad.
Typically what I see people do is create a few strips of hair on planes and then arrange them around the head, making sure to create new strands when needed.
- The white area around the eye is ultra white and look a lot like number painted on a pool ball. Eyes are connected and get progressively more veiny and fleshy the farther back they get.
Mark pretty much hit the nail on the head with regards to the topo and transparency.
EYE'd recommend looking at some http://www.eyezone.in/Images/EyeAnatomy2.jpg"]eye anatomy. The bottom of the Iris should literally rest on the lower eyelid, at the moment the eye is really central.
A better lighting setup would defiantly help sell the materials and darkening the hair and eyebrows would help a lot IMO. It kind of seem like the hair is the same colour as the skin at the moment.
You could look into setting up a 3 point lighting setup for this
Good Luck
#1 Key light, use white
#2 Fill light, use fire orange
#3 Back light, Use purple or blue