Hey guys!! This is gonna be my first time posting an entire thread with something related to animation, so please have no mercy with my humble work here presented

Well a little of background story: This reel is the result of 4 months of a basic 3d animation course at my school at M
I guess your guy could land a bit more deep, to make his weight pop out. But I believe real animators will make better crits than mine.
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
Use a lot of video reference and keep working. You're on the right track.
A twin is where you have two or more things synchronized exactly. In your jump, both feet contact and leave the ground at exactly the same time. Both arms look like they mirror each other. In the anticipation for the jump your character looks like he is off balance. He is squatting with his arms way back. He should lean forward quite a bit more and hold it for a few frames. Bring the arms down. It’s fine to have them behind him, but they are too high up for the anticipation of a jump. His jump is too small and has slightly less air time than it should.
Remember the principles of animation. One of the biggest things I learned from my animation professor was to really push exaduration. It’s much better to go way over the top and scale back if you need to, than not go far enough.
Are you doing pose-to-pose animation? That can help get your motions down. Pose-to-pose is where you block in only the major poses of a character first then go back and fix up the in-betweens.
In the third scene the feet need to follow the surface of the rolling ball when in contact. Most of the upper body and arm movement look ok in that for now.
Watch for joint popping in the run. You should try to avoid extending any limb 100% because the joint will “pop” and look unnatural. The hips need to rotate with the legs. It looks like you already got the counter rotation with the upper torso. He needs a bit more weight in the run. Bring him down a bit more when he lands and keep it down a bit longer. His body starts moving up again slightly too soon (like 1 or 2 frames). I think his arms extend too much in the middle of a step, bring them in a bit. Actually, they are extended just a bit too much for the full cycle.
After a while you will get it. Over all it’s a great start. I should stop now or my thoughts will just run into a mess.
I would like to see how it looks when you fix it up some.
Thanks JR and jmg06. Until now I see with my own eyes that floatiness on my animations. Actually I am finding the representation of the mass and weight the most difficult tasks.
Thx for your commentaries and critics, they were very useful, you helped me to see some flaws not just in this 3 animation but in my way of working. However, I will not dedicate more time to those 3 but I will start new fresh ones applying what I learned from you guys.
run- spine needs more twisting, on the lateral/medial axis, pelvis seems to have a hitch on the way up, arms need to bend a little more at the elbows
jump- feels like feet are glued to the floor and you are just translating his pelvis, there is no pushoff of the feet, also the root needs to have more hang time in the air (like a bouncing ball). bigger follow through on the landing, drag the arms and the spine more, spine should form a reverse C shape on the landing
ball roll- this is the worst one, the feet are slipping like crazy, ball also slides like crazy on the way back
anyway, hope this helps!