> I'm planning on setting up a LAN party at my house this upcoming Christmas. If I'm lucky, I might be able to set up three or more machines to play Quake 2 on a Tastyspleen server. However, the machines we're playing on are likely to be set up in different rooms of the house, and we need a way to communicate verbally while we play. The land line phones in my house have an intercom feature, but because other people are likely going to be using those phones to make actual phone calls while the games are going on, relying on their intercom feature is not really a practical way of communication. I'm considering buying a set of walkie talkies or CB radios or something of that nature for LAN parties, but I don't have the first clue as to what to get. If anyone could offer up some advice, that would be great.
> Austin and I played several games online, and the following replays show two of our best games. Each of us recorded the games, so you can see it from both of our points of view...
> Game 1
> Game 2
> In order to see the us the way we saw each other, you need the following two PPMs...
> I played as Dib, which is a model created by myself...
> Austin played as Homer Simpson, a model created by Aaron Webster...
> I want to close by thanking everyone here again for their help, although I ended up not taking your advice. However, I'll see if I can make use of TeamSpeak next time and see how that changes our gaming experience.
If you're in your room alone, your friends might as well not even be at your house
>Join server
Also that's pretty hilarious having a LAN party where you aren't even in the same room, what's the point?