Why hello there,
so for my dissertation for college i decided to dive into the world of in game destruction using the UDK. inspired by games like Battlefield 3 and gears of war: raams shadow I have been working on attempting to replicate the effect of realistic destruction.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhix8esKfxI&feature=plcp"]UDK Destruction demo progress - YouTube[/ame]
please disregard the actual building as for the dissertation i am solely focusing on the destruction. When this is finishes in a few weeks time i will continue to creating a proper environment in which i will implement all the things which i have learned via this specialisation.
the reason ive made this my first post on polycount is, eventhough im very happy about where this is going i am very sure that there are some people out there that can point out the things that still need a lot of work and maybe even give m some pointers on how to fix them.
Kind and I appreciate you taking your time to come look at this.
I was inspired by the "Pushing for largescale destruction" presentation by one of EPIC's effects artists which can be found as a PDF if googled. I chose to replicate the workflow as much as i could which meant creating the animatations in maya with physics simulators, then transfering the animation to joints followed by Skinning the meshes back onto the joints and exporting the whole a Skeletal mesh into UDK.
I am now starting to get the hang of the particle editor and am pleased with how it is going so far.
Nice PDF
applied some changes after feedback from some forums and teachers comments.
How have you achieved this? With Unrealscripts, Skeletalmeshs or C++?
Would be intressting to know.
once in UDK its a pretty simple setup to get it working ingame. create a physics asset so the skeletal mesh has collision then set it up i kismet to start a matinee containing the baked animation upon impact with a missile and voila!
the only trouble i have run into at the moment is that i have been unable to mirror the skeletal mesh in UDK and have it retain its collision. Im guessing this has something to do with normals reversing but i would love to know if anyone knows a workaround for this. Im asking because i want to be able to re-use so of the pieces in other buildings to save a bit of time.
thanks for showing interest ^^
to download.
EDIT: changed the link as the previous appeared not to be working.
enjoy! ^^
No, you can only blow out the exterior layer of rubble. Going deeper would have given me too many issues with chunks coming to rest on lower floors and would then appear to be hovering when those floors were shot out from underneath them. I used BF3 as my main frame of reference.