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UDK destruction

polycounter lvl 6
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chrisjuuuh polycounter lvl 6
Why hello there,

so for my dissertation for college i decided to dive into the world of in game destruction using the UDK. inspired by games like Battlefield 3 and gears of war: raams shadow I have been working on attempting to replicate the effect of realistic destruction.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhix8esKfxI&feature=plcp"]UDK Destruction demo progress - YouTube[/ame]

please disregard the actual building as for the dissertation i am solely focusing on the destruction. When this is finishes in a few weeks time i will continue to creating a proper environment in which i will implement all the things which i have learned via this specialisation.

the reason ive made this my first post on polycount is, eventhough im very happy about where this is going i am very sure that there are some people out there that can point out the things that still need a lot of work and maybe even give m some pointers on how to fix them.

Kind and I appreciate you taking your time to come look at this.


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