I think the forms and facial anatomy in general need to be worked on more before going into wrinkles, as right now it looks very 'blobby' even for a stylised piece. The wrinkles on the forehead for example look especially odd.
Also, the random veins plotted around the face don't make much sense - it would be better to study different tones and colors of the face and use that as reference. Good luck!
Thanks for the feedback Torch, still have some hours to put in before I call this done. The random veins are actually broken capillaries, which occur most commonly on the cheeks and nose and increase in prominence with age and alcoholism. I'll post here with the updates as I get time to work more on this.
Also, the random veins plotted around the face don't make much sense - it would be better to study different tones and colors of the face and use that as reference. Good luck!