Hey Christmas is fast approaching, and like always i'm still shopping last minute.
The 'Aeryn Sun' to my 'John Chrichton' want a video game, just wondering what your female friends / Daughters / Partners like to play?
She only has a PS3, and a hand full of games, Skyrim and Little Big Planet.
I bought her Bioshock but its been collecting dust. I was thinking Viva Pinata would be awesome, but sadly Xbox exclusive.
I'm assuming from the wording of your post she doesn't really like shooters and racers?
Ico too.
Chicks dig puzzle games.
Definitely not for the younger crowd though
If she has played and enjoyed skyrim I'd suggest fallout 3 and new vegas though.
Thanks for the suggestion guys, some killer ones i wouldn't have thought of.
She doesn't have that many games, so its hard to gather what type and style she likes.
But i can gather she doesn't like games that require to much concentration and skill to play, she loved Skyrim for the fact she could just wander around and do as she pleased.
Little Big Planet Karting i might have to investigate, cause she loved little big planet 2, and i'm sure she would like to play a game with me from time to time.
Baj, She would love Tokyo Jungle fo sho, she loves animals and has a Pomeranian her self, as the trailer said you can play as one, not sure if she would like the animal violence though
Just looked up Journey, defiantly would be up her alley thanks heaps guys!
Games which might fit (pun intended):
The Lego Series (LOTR is the strongest one so far).
Ratchet and Clank
Katamari Forever
Trine series
ICO and SOTC (although their controls may be lacking since they're kinda clunky).
Rayman Origins
Tomb Raider Guardian of the Light
Heavy Rain (although the story could turn her off).
Little Big Planet series
Skyrim (on the easier settings, it can literally be played with one hand).
Sonic Generations
Left 4 Dead (many girls actually like the coop play for support).
Dragons Crown (actually fun, but the sexualized artstyle may put her off).
Borderlands series
Time Crisis 4
Portal 2
Catherine (it's not a girly game at all by the way if she can get over the animu style).
Castle Crashers
LA Noire
These are the easier games to get into without insane difficulty spikes (like say Dead Island or accuracy required out of COD games), also girls tend to prefer to play coop games in which you can actively help them get better before they solo something (this is assuming she doesn't play alot of games).
You can upgrade her to AC3, Demon Souls, etc pretty quickly if she lam-blasts through games like Portal 2 without your help.
Here's an example, Do you know of a single women that likes chess? I'm not saying they can't be as good at it as men, because they obviously can be, they just... don't like it.
Maybe you know one or two, just like you probably only know a women or two that enjoys the same video games we do, but they're exceptions.
Typically, women don't enjoy the restrains of being stuck in a virtual space as much as men do. That's it, difficulty as nothing to do with it. The point here is feeling JOY when playing games.
At least the girls I know enjoy puzzle bazed games, (the so called casual games) and/or games with a interesting story that doesn't involve moving around in a 3D virtual world too much. (That's why I said Heavy Rain)
Seriously dude, the only reason I mention 'girl' is because she's a girl, and OP even posted the type of games she plays (she doesn't play alot of games in the first place, she played Skyrim casually, she liked games which are visually striking, etc) in post 15.
These are clear indications that this 'person' isn't an experienced gamer that will play everything and anything, it doesn't matter if man or woman, you're going to introduce them to easy games so they can learn the rulesets on those genre of games, and most likely play games like L4D to which allows people to help each other, as that eases the learning curved to someone who doesn't play alot of games before throwing them in solo-hard games like Dark Souls which make you hate gaming.
At that point it's up to them to start learning on their own and what genre of games they might have a higher affinity towards.
Also, you're using a double-logic fallacy here, you say you don't agree with my list, and yet are putting in place your own rules and restrictions on what someone can like and calling mine void in return. That's like saying Fat people are geniuses, but Skinny people are superficial without stopping to think that each person is different, and just maybe it's the opposite way round in some cases.
Stereotyping is not fun, and that's exactly what I tried avoiding to do in my previous post, hence why I mentioned either games that could be construed as easy to play, simple to learn-hard to master, or coop based for someone who doesn't dedicate 5 bookmarks to gaming sites.
I have seen more 'people' (and yes, 'girls' are included in this) enjoy L4D or Borderlands with their partners then people who enjoyed a game like Journey or Heavy Rain which are one-offs and not even that open.
Ugh, sorry for the derail Fwap. In the mean-time, another game she could try is the Walking Dead from TT? Although the story is kinda tight and linear in some places, and certain implications of certain actions can be abit too much to stomach for some people.
Theres great fun to be had with borderlands 2 split screen, it really does have a girlfriend mode haha!!!
She admittedly does also play Cooking Mama and the Sims, but still.
I DO have 2 teenage daughters mentioned, and like Ambershee said, gender stereotyping for games is stupid. My oldest gets annoyed, when she plays online, and guys don't believe she's a female. She likes Left 4 Dead, Bioshock, and Assassins Creed. Both of my daughters will play anything from Pokemon, to Gears of War. There are no specific games that make their estrogen excited. It just depends on what your girlfriend likes. Maybe that's what you need to understand most, before choosing games for her.
i like cooking mama. ergo, I'm a lady!
I'm sorry you had to find out this way
I totally forgot she plays the sims, but i won't be buying her any expansions, i get jealous enough when she makes woo woo with a sim thats not me. and fuck know who's child that is.
I gave her my DS with all my games on it from Pokemans to Zelda I don't think she touched it once. I think if something doesnt grab her in the first 5 minutes its game over - puntastic - I got her to play Fifa 13 with me, but all she did was score own goals and get yellow carded. so she is banned.
Another game my daughters really got hooked into, were the guitar hero/rock band games.
My daughter is a lego freak, she loves Lego Indiana Jones (it has more female characters to choose from).
As far as my girlfriend, she enjoyed Neverwinter Nights but disliked all the combat. It would be nice to see more games that give more social paths that let you avoid combat - or even a game like LA Noire without all the shootouts & chases shoehorned in