So I have a few cool ideas about putting a train (or other moving vehicle with multiple trailing parts) into a game as part of a level. unfortunately I have no idea how to actually do this.
My idea right now is that I could use physics, and set up the the train to somehow stay on a set of 'rails.' I can see now that there would be a problem with the way it would actually look. I could animate the train, but then I would have to animate everything the train would have to do, and it would be far less robust and reusable. I'm hoping that there's a way to combine the two ideas somehow (hopefully in a way that someone has some experience with)
Does anyone have experience with this or anything similar and can point me in the right direction?
so that if there is a curve the wheels by themselves will have a larger circumference when they start to go off the track and will then recenter themselves. Trains do not have differentials like cars.