Nearing the finish line on this project, wanted to get some final feedback before I call it done for good. Im nearly done the diffuse then all I have left to do in the Spec map.
Looking at Mike Puncekar's drawings of a few Mario characters got me inspired to model the Piranha Plant. His drawings
I've said this numerous times before, my weak stage is texturing so please feel free to nit pick my diffuse to help me get better!
BTW this is step one to redoing my portfolio, help me out! : )

and here is another shot in Marmoset, changed the light angle and turned on Spec lighting to help out the Normal map, but like I said there is no Spec map yet so everything is getting an even coat of shine in this shot

a few things I'd like to see is more drool and a different shades of green happening on the plants neck/stem. you have it on the roots, so maybe try it on the neck and see where that takes you.
also make the grass and tree roots a bit thicker
you can maybe add a few more cracks and chips on the green tunnel to give it some more character
A few things. The unnaturalness to all the vines, its almost like their is solid bones in its neck, I'd like to see it smoothed out and more natural kinda like the concept art you posted.
I also think a proper AO pass would go a long way it's all reading a little flat right now.
It's probably a little late for this, but the indented spots on his head threw me off. I would've liked to see them bumped out similar to the ones you have on the mushroom.
I'd also thicken up the lip on that pipe. It seems a little thin right now, especially compared to the original game.
I'll also echo what abitterfarewell said. I'd either change up some of the values or color on the leaves/wrapped leaves at his base. It's all reading too similarly right now.
I think its just the even spec in marmoset that's causing this, but the brightness in his mouth in the last pic looks weird. I'd keep it dark in there.
Lastly, I'd get some nice subtle gradients on the pipe and neck. It'll help ground things more.
It's close! just needs some final polish methinks.
Given it is the holidays really soon It will take me some time, so hopefully within that time i get some more feedback.
: )