Is it possible to Frame selected in all viewports instead of one at a time ? Also can you set a toggle so that 1 hotkey cycles through the three smooth mesh preview options. Any quick way of turning descrete scale on and off ?
Help on any would be great thanks.
2. give me a little time and i can script you something that does exactly this, for now you could use the 4 and 5 buttons.
3. hold r and lmb to get a markeing menus of the scales tools options, the same works with w + lmb and e + lmb for the translate and rotates tools too.
Mind blown! I've been using Maya for 11 years. I love when people tell me about stuff I missed. Thanks silentbrains!
it prolly has a lot to do with how people use the program too, since I almost never use quad viewports I have never needed to look for a way to frame all.
mind = blowen.