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Next Gen Sawed Off Shotgun

polycounter lvl 10
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jhines142 polycounter lvl 10
Hey everyone I found a post on here of a Sawed Off Shotgun made by a student in Belgium. I thought I could maybe make the edgeflow a little bit better. Let me know what you think. (I went to art school for two years so I can take harsh constructive crits lol)



  • Mark Dygert
    It looks very last gen, very blocky and primitive. The handle looks really wide and it looks to be missing some key components? Like a break that allows it to open so you can reload, a second trigger (most double barreled shotguns have two triggers) and depending on what the back of the handle looks like its probably missing a safety and a break release? Also don't forget that along with the barrel the shoulder rest gets sawed off too.
  • jhines142
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    jhines142 polycounter lvl 10
    I have to still add the second trigger and fix some things. The ref image that I am using looks like the handle has been smoothed out. It's not completed by any means. More of a block-out really. What do you think about the barrels? Do they need to be perfectly parallel to one another or is the space between them at the 'sawed' end okay?
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    Hey man. The edgeflow is purdy good! However, in my opinion, as long as you're not wasting polys, and the model looks good from all angles, you could build this model any number of ways. Edgeflow is most important with stuff that deforms, like a face. You obviously want the model to match the concept and support the normal map as much as possible, but since we're not seeing either of those, It's hard to judge. We need to know what you're aiming for. Also we haven't seen the original model, so I don't know what type of improvement we're talking about here.
  • jhines142
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    jhines142 polycounter lvl 10
    Here is a picture with multiple views. If anyone wants to have my model to fix/work on let me know.

  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10

    1: Too many polys here (Not this picture cannot see it but its the way you capped it off
    2: I think that cylinder is too high polys
    3: That edge ring is pointless get rid of it
    4: Suggestion to get rid of that ngon
    5: pointless edge creating extra poly was removed
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