Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: Neoncypher

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Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
Hi Everyone,

I'm Adam, and I'm an environment artist at Ubisoft Reflections. Thought I'd start a sketchbook thread to get some feedback on my 2d work, which I consider to be my weak point - So I figure I'd tackle it head on and try and improve! I'll probably end up posting some 3d stuff here too...

Comments and Crits encouraged! :D

First up are a few images I went back to a few months ago with fresh eyes and revamped:



Nemean Lion

This one I did after finishing the awesomely beautiful Halo 4 and is my homage to the Chief - The whole image itself is quite big as I plan on getting it printed, so there's a close-up too:


Chief closeup

These are recent speedpaintings I did on my phone (res sucks a little on the first one):

Other side

Colour study

And this is my latest ink sketch - which my friend described as looking like a "horror-vagina"


Thanks for looking


  • Grimmstrom
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    Grimmstrom polycounter lvl 7
    excellent stuff mate :D subscribed!
  • TheMajor
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    TheMajor polycounter lvl 10
    Nice to see your 2D work on here mate! Keep up the practice some great stuff is emerging!
  • aaron2
    I really like the Nemean Lion with so impressive effects and background texturing is so impressively done
    You have made some really good sketches
    Good luck!
  • aaron2
    I really like the Nemean Lion with so impressive effects and background texturing is so impressively done
    You have made some really good sketches
    Good luck!
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    @Grimmstrom, TheMajor, aaron2 - Thanks for the kind words guys

    Here's a shitty sketch from last night - done on my phone, 10mins

  • aaron2
    Neoncyphe again a great piece of work!
    You really have some talent my friend!
    Keep it up...
  • aaron2
    Neoncyphe again a great piece of work!
    You really have some talent my friend!
    Keep it up...
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    "other side", beautiful.
  • heyguy
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    heyguy polycounter lvl 5
    lol dude. Your Masai painting looks freakin' real! You've got some great 2d work on here. Keep it up!
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Neat stuff. The Masai study looks particularly balanced in values. At first glance I though it was a photo. The illusion breaks a bit when looking at the strands. I think you could have got away with rendering them in a simpler manner.

    Really like the mood of "other side". Would be cool too see an exploration of that world.
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    @aaron2 - Thanks again for you kind words mate :)
    @conte - Wow thanks! Your work is a huge inspiration for me, so it means a lot coming from an artist as talented as yourself
    @heyguy - Thanks! It's one of the paintings I spent more time with and I think it paid off
    @AimBiz - Yeah you're probably right about the grass strands, I could have done more with them - something for next time I do grass :D. "Other Side" was kind of a happy accident, I was just idly doodling and it popped out! I think I'll explore that style/world a bit more like you say

    If anyone else has comments or criticisms I'd love to hear them, thanks :D
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Neoncypher wrote: »
    @AimBiz - Yeah you're probably right about the grass strands, I could have done more with them - something for next time I do grass :D. "Other Side" was kind of a happy accident, I was just idly doodling and it popped out! I think I'll explore that style/world a bit more like you say
    It's a tough balance sometimes what should be fully rendered and what should just be suggested. Personally I like things more suggested and rough, at least when it comes to very small things.

    The limited palette of your happy accident makes me think of comics, although the rendering needs to be cleaner as you got some smudges here and there. Perhaps that's a path to explore or just have clean cut shapes with some internal gradient.

    Just rambling. Keep it up!
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    AimBiZ wrote: »
    It's a tough balance sometimes what should be fully rendered and what should just be suggested. Personally I like things more suggested and rough, at least when it comes to very small things.

    The limited palette of your happy accident makes me think of comics, although the rendering needs to be cleaner as you got some smudges here and there. Perhaps that's a path to explore or just have clean cut shapes with some internal gradient.

    Just rambling. Keep it up!

    Yeah I totally agree with suggesting minor detail rather than painstakingly recreating it - on the whole I do prefer a more random/loose style, and it's something I'm trying to adapt my style to - thanks for the comments!

    Anyway, things on the art front have been slow lately, with the holidays, a hand injury and work being crazy busy - but here's my first quick painting of 2013 - Did it on my phone (FINGERPOWER!), took about 3-4hrs. C&C most welcome :)

  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    Hi all, few new bits and pieces here.

    This is based on a life drawing session we had here at work as part of our ongoing art training. We had some kind people come in from the 99th Garrison, a local Star Wars costuming organisation, to pose for us for a few hours - I decided to draw the Tusken Raider - results below:

    Initial 5min sketch:


    I took this sketch home and decided to work into it - so I started inking - It had been a looong time since I did anything that wasn't digital...:


    With that done I started shading with a 30% grey spirit marker:


    Then I took a photo with my phone as it was too big to scan in - I was going to leave it as it was, but decided to give it a quick colour wash in photoshop to give it some desert warmth - so here's the final piece:


    C&C welcome as always..Thanks for looking
  • Grimmstrom
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    Grimmstrom polycounter lvl 7
    Love it! Think this is my favourite piece you've done so far, keep it up dude!
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    Hi all,

    I've been super busy with work of late, but I managed to find some time to paint this on my phone, using sketchbook pro, and my party sausage finger...


    C&C welcome as always!
  • Grimmstrom
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    Grimmstrom polycounter lvl 7
    Excellent stuff as always mate, really nice style
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    Cheers Grimmstrom, kind words as always :)

    I thought I'd throw these in here too - first two are super quick concepts for our team's ill-fated Escape Challenge entry:

    Scene idea -

    Main protagonist concept -

    And a random doodle at work -

  • TheMajor
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    TheMajor polycounter lvl 10
    Keep up the posting, It keeps making me feel like I need to do more, Which is good :D As I would otherwise just keep going outside and enjoying my life.......no wait. haha, Seriously liking it though buddy!
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    Hi all,

    I've been swamped at work lately so I haven't had the time to do much. Had some free time yesterday so did a bit of sketching..


    I'd really appreciate any feedback on this or anything else on this thread :)

  • Grimmstrom
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    Grimmstrom polycounter lvl 7
    Excellent work as always, it's a bit of a shame you aren't getting more people commenting on this thread as I'm sure you'd appreciate the feedback.

    Your 2D stuff is coming along great, as always I'd love to see you tackle a 3D environment as I know it would turn out great, especially with everything you've learnt over the years.

    Keep up the good work mate, it's great seeing you staying inspired outside of work hours
  • Davidskiwan
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    Davidskiwan polycounter lvl 18
    Your stuff in ink is great, you've definitely got a natural flare with that kind of line-work. I'm really impressed with that last environment done on your phone, I have fat fingers myself, and i can't get anywhere near that level of precision!
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    @Grimmstrom - Thanks mate, and you're right, I'd really love some constructive feedback on my stuff to help me improve! Hopefully I'll get some soon

    @Davidskiwan - Thanks for your kind words dude, I really enjoyed creating the Tusken Raider image as it was a chance to get back to traditional media, and practice inking and line-weight etc. I really want to get some oils and start doing that too, and your work with oils inspired me even more, so keep it up!

    I found an old sketchbook from yeeeaarrss ago whilst tidying up the other day, so I thought I'd post a few sketches from the past as a comparison to my more current stuff. I tend to keep almost everything I draw, as sometimes it's nice to look back and see how far you've come...

    Old shit:

  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    (Images taken with my phone)



    C&C actively encouraged :)
  • BaNaNaSpliTTer
    dat dog+dude with staff...yes plz.
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    @BaNaNaSpliTTer - Thanks! Glad you like them..

    Seems the links in my previous post are broken.. Here's those images again..


  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    So I've been pretty busy at work the last few months with us finishing off Watch_Dogs, and I've not really had time to do any of my own stuff lately - until a few weeks ago when I started a clay sculpting course at a local art gallery. Never done any real world sculpting but I really enjoyed it - here are the results.

    First up is some lovely lips - my first ever clay sculpt

    Then we had a few weeks to work on a final piece - here's what I ended up with (WIP, I plan on finishing this off at home)


    Tiny clay nipples are the crowning feature I think...
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    Hi all,

    I've been doing some speed paintings for the "Daily Spitpaint" facebook group - 30mins limit, no photos/photo manipulation allowed, based on a selection of daily themes

    All 30mins unless otherwise stated:


    "Ash Giant"

    "Concentrated Solar Power"

    "Plague Winds"

    I spent another 20mins on this one - didn't quite work for me so left it here

    C&C encouraged!

    Thanks for looking :)
  • Cynic
  • Neoncypher
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    Neoncypher polycounter lvl 9
    @Cynic - Thank you :)

    Here's a few more 30min spitpaints I did for the Facebook group:

    "Bridge in the Fog"

    "Organic Mech Suit"

    C&C encourage as always! Help me improve! :)

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