Been reading Naruto lately.
Edit: Gah. Misspelled "Sensei". Apparently I use the term "reading" lightly. Is there a way to edit the subject?
All grey models are the low poly with normal map.
A little work is still needed. Not super happy with his hands... And a few other things.
Oh, and hi.
That's the one and only crit i can give... a grammar one... I agree with JadeEyePanda
I'd suggest making Sasuke or Naruto as well, or both, with Sakura. Try to recreate the picture they took, this one:
Oh, er.. right.. the headband was the last thing I did. looks like I forgot to do the diffuse on that . whoops!
I'm riding off the back of the brilliant Mr Xoliul, whom ever he is (I'm using Xoliul's max shader, and these are viewport print-screens.) that shader has an option for using ramp-based lighting and I'm using the attached image to achieve the 2-tone effect.
the outline around him was a bit of a hack-job using the whole duplicate-inverse-push technique. If I bring him into U3 or something I'll do a proper job with the outline.
Nice man.