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Hopefully BORDERLANDS stuff

polycounter lvl 7
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Vous polycounter lvl 7
Hello dear Poly,

I wanted to create a some enviroment for a long time, but I was just uncertain what it will be. When I saw the Borderlands 2 art dump here on the forum, I knew I want to try this style. Meanwhile, I have found this beautiful industrial zone not far from my home and I decided.

This thread will be a progress thread - I want to document as much as I can while I'll be recreating the industrial zone with the Borderlands style.

And here is the first thing. I recreated the steel wall from the B2 art dump, just to get into the style, catch the feeling. It needs some more work, will get back to it later.


Second one, it's hi tech hobo dumpster house with air conditioning and satellite. This one comes from my mind



I hope you all enjoy the ride and remember - crits are always welcomed and much needed, as I am new to this Borderlands style


  • hamzaaa
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    hamzaaa polycounter lvl 11
    I think you are getting there! The Gate wall still looks a little too clean and planar, maybe it can use more dirt, rust and noise. Also the wire of the dumpster house looks a little off and too clean compared to the rest. I like where this is going!
  • Vous
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    Vous polycounter lvl 7
    hamzaa: thanks for your input! Yep, you are right about the wall, it still needs some grunging, which I will add. Totally right about the wire too, need to make it more interesting.

    Here is a quick update. I am working on the enviroment layout, blocking and modeling all the things. After christmas I will put it in UDK (never worked with it before, so need to learn that) and make a walk thru so everyone can see what I have in mind.

    Mean while, as I model the enviroment, I am also working on some props that will appear more often in the enviroment. Here you can see tire I created and which was inspired by Robert Santiago (thank you for that)


    Next update will be hopefully coming soon!
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    I think what you really got going is the fact that it instantly reads borderlands, which is awesome. It all reads pretty well, and the shapes are awesome as a whole :)

    For the wire, the main reason I bothered to post cus I got a great idea for ya, you could create like 5 cylinders, boolean or merge them into a straight pipe. You can then remap it, and match it to the current diffuse to start, and then modify and remove the stretch that would happen if you used this idea. You can then paint in the AO, and then create the tiling dirt/grunge to match the style.

    Overall I think you are on the right track for sure, and if you keep at it, and really practice your diffuse work some more, you can give them a run for their money! Awesome job so far, and I definitely admire your persistence with the style. its not an easy one.
  • Cordero
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    Cordero polycounter
    I love these mate!
    nice details, and crisp look all around :D

    good luck with udk! but why would you put these in to that particular engine?
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    Holy smokes! I thought this was from the game itself until I read what you wrote. Stellar job right here mate; you captured Borderlands' style flawlessly! (coming from a non-environment person)
  • Vous
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    Vous polycounter lvl 7
    Hey guys! Long time no see, you know X-mas, work, illness and stuff like that. But I didn't hesitated and did some work.

    Cordero: Thanks! I am going for UDK because it seems to me like best option for enviroment like this. Or you have better idea? I onlly know about UDK, so I am open for ideas :-D

    Kot_Leopold: Thanks dude! I am happy to hear that

    Add3r: Thank you. I am trying my best to make it look like Borderlands. I am still working to get in to the style. Thanks for the tip about the wire. Will rework it and make it match the rest of the object.

    Here is another object I created - industrial light. It will be pretty common object, so I will probably make another texture with little variations so it doesn|'t appear uniform.

  • Metzger
    Vous love what you're doing here. Screams Borderlands to me. When putting them in UDK find a nice way to make a Post-Processing Volume with the thick black outlines you see in game. I'm made a material and volume a few years back. I'll see if I can dig it up.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    Its looking really close already. I would try and strip out that fine noise. Also, more line weight variation for the edges that outline faces/planes.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    yeah, AlecMoody beat me too it. Those noise under everything is the only thing bugging me. Great work!
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
  • Vous
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    Vous polycounter lvl 7
    Hello dear Polycount! My time (or the lack of time) is crushing me, but I am doing my best to work on this project as much as I can. I am doing a lot of modeling work and preping of the enviroment, but nothing I could really show (I hate showing plain grey models). But I started texturing this gate made of scrap with engine to power it up. Think of Mad Max 2 bus gate, but without the bus :-D

    It's not finished yet as you can see. My workflow is to block the borderlands feeling out with greyscale and then use textures to bring it to life. Here is the greyscale version. The plating is finished, the engine and pipes are 50% finished. By the end of the sunday I shoudl have it fully textured. Wish me luck to make it in time.

    Metzger: Thank you for your kind words. I hope I can make the black outlines work within the UDK engine well. It can be faked with texture, but dynamic outlines are giving it the final touch Borderlands is famous for. If you can give me any hints, it would be greatly appriciated.

    AlecMoody: Thank you. I agree with you on that noise. I will look into that. Sometimes I am pushing the textures too far. Need to take a look on that. I will also look onto the edge variations on the edges of planes. You are right about this and I also started noticing it.

    SouthpawSid: Thanks! As I said, I will deal with the noise to make it better :-)

    Haiasi: :-D I wouldn't mind, tho


  • benji
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    benji polycounter lvl 7
    This is beautiful Vous, awesome work!
  • JustGarry
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    JustGarry polycounter lvl 4
    Nice work mate.
  • Cordero
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    Cordero polycounter
    ahw my god! very cool work mate! would love to see ur name in the credits of the next part of the game ;)
  • Vous
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    Vous polycounter lvl 7
    benji, JustGarry, Cordero: Thank you guys, really pappriciate your kind words :-)

    Here is an update. I am tired, my eyes are sore from looking at this nonstop, but I think I got it to final stage. Some of you guys with sharp eyes can spot few gray untextured spaces - don not worry, they will be fixed.

    I wanted this gate to have impression that it was made from scrap metal and spare parts - it looks chaoticalm, but I am afraid if it isn't too much? Maybe I should put in some element that will unite it?


  • Cordero
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    Cordero polycounter
    awesommmeee :D cool details on both side
    I think its exactly as chaotchic as it needs to be ;)

    would be cool to come up with some critics, but I'm no expert in this style, and visually its cohesive enough for me to shut the fk up :D
  • Owl
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    Owl polycounter lvl 6
    I think the design and textures are really cool. One thing that would be cool to break up a bit is just how square the model is. Right now the main wall as a whole, not individual parts is just basically one huge nearly perfect rectangle. Bend it up a bit. Make the sides lean out one way or the other. Make the frame bent a little. Make the top part more angular with some bends in the frames/bars and stuff. That will give the whole piece a bit more action.

    maybe add some bullet holes too. Can't go wrong there. And not for sure on this last one, but one thing I felt like BL2 did a lot was "bandages" everywhere. I feel like a lot of their stuff was bandaged together. Could be cool to add a little more of that.

    Otherwise its looking pretty great. Maybe a little propaganda of some kind (ie painted or posters) would be cool stuck on somewhere. Or a little trash/debris on the platform on the back like balls of wrinkled paper or pop cans or pizza boxes...

    It's looking good! Keep at. You've got some awesome stuff going here.
  • Vous
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    Vous polycounter lvl 7
    Owl: Thanks for the input. You are totally right about modeling being too simple. I rely on the textures too much and forgot about the model itself. So yeah, going to change that.

    Posters, cans, pizza and stuff - it's on my to do list after I finish all the main elements. I plan to make a lot of decals and small objects to give it a life and feeling of people using the whole place
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    That dumpster idea is pretty damn funny and clever.
  • JustGarry
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    JustGarry polycounter lvl 4
    @Vous, I hope you haven't reconsidered the spikes from the original model, I think they looked great!
  • Vous
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    Vous polycounter lvl 7
    Hello guys, I have good and also bad news. I got an art test from a game developement company in my country, so I am concetrating on that. Unfortunaterly I have to put this thing on hold for a moment, but when the first chance arise, I shall continue this project.

    Wish me luck, I want that job :-D
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    How is that bad news?!? that's great news! good luck!
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