Hi all,
I need to get some feedback for my final year project as part of my university course so if you could just answer the following six questions I would be eternally grateful (sorry about the formality of it all but its supposed to be a professional document).
There are two sections to this questionnaire each consisting of three questions, please answer all six questions carefully.
Please answer the following questions truthfully and only take into account the effect present in the scene not the scene itself. You are free to withdraw yourself or your information from the project at any time and none of your personal details will be kept on record or shared with any third parties. All of these questions are to be answered in your opinion and should be completed by ticking only one box (unless stated otherwise).
Section 1
All of the questions in this section are related to the images shown below;

Question 1: Which scene shows the best overall recreation of wintery conditions?
Question 2: Which scene has the most accurate representation of snow?
Question 3: Rate each scene out of 10 for its realism (where 10 is the most realistic scene possible).
Section 2
All of the questions in this section are related to the images shown below;

Question 1: Which scene shows the best overall recreation of thunderstorm conditions?
Question 2: Which scene has the most accurate representation of rain?
Question 3: Rate each scene out of 10 for its realism (where 10 is the most realistic scene possible).
Thanks for the help.
1) B
2) B
3) A= 5, B = 8, C = 7, D = 7
Section 2
1) B
2) B
3) A = 8, B = 9, C = 3, D = 6
1. C
2. C
3. A=5, B=6, C=6, D=7
Section 2
1. B
2. B
3. A=7, B=8, C=5, D=6
Section 1
1. A
2. A
3. A=6, B=7, C=8, D=7
Section 2
1. D
2. B
3. A=5, B=7, C=4, D=7
1 - A; because the blue hue, technically incorrect white-balanced, gives a colder feeling.
2 - B; though the trees are too white, B is the only one that shows thickness variation on the ground-layer of snow.
A - 6; only large shapes are present, lacking in detail. clearly noticeable repetition in the buildings
B - 8; realistic representation of a sunny summers-day on a high altitude, but the foliage is too snowy and it's very obvious where props intersect the terrain
C - 5; feels very repetitive/modular without any unique details, no snow on character, very clear geometry, extremely muted colors and somewhat unnatural shading.
D - 7, not much to see in terms of 'scene'-ery, but the character looks pretty good. It's weird how his shoulders are not snowy, and the face is in the uncanny valley.
1 - D; is the only one that takes in to account the blurry atmospheric effect of light rays being refracted through thousands of droplets.
2 - B; rain falls pretty much straight down unless there is -very- strong wind, so D does that wrong. Cloud-splashes of water from wheels is an important detail.
A - 5; this style is called hyperrealism, and is (ironically) very unrealistic. Too much detail and very crisp and sharp imagery feels unnatural. It's also lacking any real rain effects. Post-storm maybe, mid-storm not at all.
B - 8; very strong lighting effects (almost silhouetted) hide a lot of problems. The scene doesn't feel like a storm though, more of an overly artistic shot during a drizzle. Lacks atmospheric blur.
C - 4; Huge grey building is even more obvious in this shot. Bloom should be less strong and work more as a neutral-toned ambient light. Lacking atmospherics, rainstreaks are far to clean and sporadic - like a drizzle with short shutterspeed.
D - 7; Materials feel a bit flat (this is an older gen game, I take it?) with little/no specular on wet things like mud, grass, characters, stone. Also lacks depth/normalmap, and the grass is too sparse/large and shows intersections.