Hiya everyone. These are the final renders for a re-designed Soul Calibur 2 environment I've been working on.
The fire effects and renders were done in UDK.
Any suggestions for improvements would be very much appreciated

Here's a link to a simple video render to show the animated fire and lighting.

What is the target spec for this scene? It looks to be significantly lower detail than the original scene you're trying to re-create/re-design.
Your scale seems pretty off, unless there is some camera trick at work here - the doors in the back seem way too short compared to the bench on the right side.
It's hard to find screenshots of the whole level online in 3 minutes, but even this shot of mitsurugi should help:
note things like:
the intricate detailing of the door, the rolled roof shingles, the modeled out stone tiles (whereas you have some sort of ground-intersectinb grey blob that doesn't read as any particular material?), the height of the door, scale of the stones, etc.
Also the cherry blossoms in the air in this shot:
are probably the most interesting part of the level and in general the trees give the scene a ton of character that is missing from this, as you've not given the trees a fair shake.
Thanks again