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Blender - how to copy uv map to other selected object?

polycounter lvl 5
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Harry64 polycounter lvl 5
I want tu unwrap this model and since this is for a game I create, I need to get the best uv layout so that it looks good and hase not a really big texture.

so I want to unwrap 1 step of the stair and then copy the uv to the other 30 steps so that they all overlap on the texture. ( sorry for my bad english )

is there any possible way to do this?

because its possible to unwrap 1 step and copy that step, then they have the same texture and same texturecoordinates. but then I would need to make this for 30 steps and it would take forever to get the steps to the right position.


  • walkonsky
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    walkonsky polycounter lvl 11
    you can something that you should probably have done anyway: use an array modifier for the steps.
    add an empty at the center point of your staircase and rotate it on the z axis as much as the difference in rotation from one step to the next. then take your bottom step and make it a unique object (select all vertices of the step an press 'p' i believe). add the array modifier and choose the object offset and constant offset options. select the empty as the object for offsetting and set the constant offset to the amount that you want from step to step on the z axis.
    you should get a flight of stairs just like the one you have now, with only one step actually modelled.
    if you now unwrap this one step, all the other steps get the same texture.
  • Harry64
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    Harry64 polycounter lvl 5
    I have done this.... but I applied it bevor unwrap.
    sooo.... its not possible to copy uv coordinates to another object with the same polycount?
    I searched google and found something but it was described for a very old blender version.
    and I thougt it would be possible in the newest blender..... but I cannot find it.
  • James Ordner
    As long as you have not applied the Array Modifier yet, you can just UV the bottom stair and it will be automatically copied to the rest of the stairs. If you have applied it, your best bet is to just delete the top stars and redo the Array modifier again. There's not really any way simpler than that.
  • Harry64
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    Harry64 polycounter lvl 5
    ok then... thanks. ^^ I will do that.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    why wouldnt you just UV 1 stiar, than copy it?
  • Harry64
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    Harry64 polycounter lvl 5
    I just wanted to know if its possible to copy 1 uv map. now I know that this is not possible I will be more carefully when creating props like the stairs. ^^
  • James Ordner
    passerby wrote: »
    why wouldnt you just UV 1 stiar, than copy it?

    That's what the array modifier does. UV one stair, then it copies it as many times as you need.
  • robi
    hi there

    You can separate out the steps into single objects with the P-Key in editmode.
    Then select all the stairsteps, the last one (active) must be the unwrapped piece,
    and hit ctrl-L --> Join as UVs.
    After that hit ctrl-J to join all together again.
  • latorril
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    latorril polycounter lvl 6
    robi is a wizard 0_0

    That's a great solution.
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