Hello Polycount Forum,
Here's a project I have been working on and off for a little while. It's based on this Samus Aran fan art by Ivan Flores:

Some of my references:

Here is my progress so far:

Now I wanted to avoid doing the same mistake I did with the torso (adding too many details before I got the general shape and proportions right), so none of the pieces are 100% done. I had to change some of the original proportions since some of them don't make a lot of sense. I will post more screenshots as I go. Comments and critiques are welcome!
Maybe it´s jus me but atm it looks like there could never fit a normal female into that suit.
If you have the basic female shape done, it´ll be much easier to get the armor done.
Anyway, I will be watching this and wish you good luck!
C86G: Thanks for the feedback!
I changed some proportions, mainly in the upper body. I still have some tweaking to do on the legs.
I think your options are redesigning the armour so that is actually makes some kind of anatomical sense or just saying "anatomy be damned" and going with the classic design. trying to meet it half way isn't likely to work particularly well.
I took a whack at trying to figure it out the other day, and could only come up with the below...
I figured there was either some kind of steroid delivery system that altered her anatomy to fit the suit (which would have been totally fruckin' rad); or that her arms just fit into the suit sarcophagus-style and the arms of the suit were just robot parts.
Also, if you look at the first Prime game, you will see that they very cleverly never show the connections from bottom to up under the armpits, and it's very bulgy, giving some 'room' to the idea of how that works. The later ones even have this weird 'pelvic' bend outwards.
Naturally, as Jack said, even so, she shouldn't be able to move more then a couple of clicks from her upper shoulder.
Also, Dash, I have to say, you're awesome because that's EXACTLY what I used to think her suit was like in the C image (before commercials ruined it for me :P ), infact, it would make sense considering one of her hands is literally a hot piping cannon blaster, and it's easier for us as humans to go into a fetal position when arms are crossed, not to mention, storage in her shoulders.
DashXero: Wow that sarcophagus armor idea is actually pretty clever, never saw it that way.
Update: I decided to go with a more ''realistic'' design.
Unless there is something incredibly wrong with the sculpture, I will start retopologizing.
Head retopo:
Any feedback is welcome.
I think you should work on her proportions a little more, right now she doesn't have the same sex appeal that Samus has.
Here is the current state of the low poly (most of the pieces have been UVed):
I'm still struggling with the hair (any tips/advice are welcome):
Once again, thanks a lot for the feedback!
I also started texturing (diffuse and normal map only). The gray hair is temporary.
Marmoset screenshots:
Unfortunately, I'm having some problems with marmoset. Depending on the angle I take the screenshots I get these weird lines that are not present in the viewport.
The hair still lacks a spec map but everything else has one now.
Ok, so I spent way more time than I should have on this project. Unless there is something blatantly wrong, I'm going to take one last day to fix a couple of things and then finally move on to a new project.
Comments and critiques are welcome.
Secondly, she isn't nearly shiny enough, it appears that you're going for a more realistic aesthetic with the textured metal which is fine, but I would still amp up the reflections.
Otherwise, great job.
(I might change the color a bit)