This isn't an accurate representation of whose going to be there on the day, but it should give us an idea when it comes to planning somewhere to have a meal. I'll try and keep this updated though.
Also! If anyone is going to Animex, please check this thread
Well, I definitely think I'm going to try and make it down for this, just looking at flights and not too bad price wise for last minute bookings. Will have to sort out a place to crash and if anyone has any advice on which airport is best to land in that'd be appreciated.
Been ages since I traveled to London and would want to avoid some of those extreme taxi fares.
Fuck you shiv, stop bailing on polycount meets for your made up "people who have the same name as me conventions" and then turning up late with free, maddeningly expensive cameras!
This is going to be a nice experience... after "soloing" Computer Graphics for years, it's finally good to meet up with people who are passionate about this stuff .
Tickets booked, should arrive to Victoria Coach Station at around 11:40 AM. Looking forward to this .
depending what time SCB and i wake up (he's staying at my place, which means alcohol) we'll probably be in london around 11ish. usual meetup spot is trafalgar square.
depending what time SCB and i wake up (he's staying at my place, which means alcohol) we'll probably be in london around 11ish. usual meetup spot is trafalgar square.
Wanna pm me your number? I'm getting there about 11, seeing a mate for a bit then i'll come meet you guys.
Oh, OH! Me, me, I can come too! Don't think I have ever met people 'from the internet' before but what better group! I might have a couple of other semi-lurkery, newish PC peeps I can bring in tow, too.
Yeah man me and lee are here now, sitting at a fountain. I'm wearing a black jacket and white hoody, lees wearing a striped blue hoody and we've got back packs.
Only just got to Nandos and it's queued out the door, so we've headed to the upstairs at Blue Posts on Rupert Street, where there's a Rock Paper Shotgun game dev meetup, so if anyone wants to come along feel free or if you all head somewhere else let me know and I'll try and catch up with you all!
We're still chilling at nandos atm. We might move somewhere after. If you have someone's number from here give them a text incase we move on and we'll try and meet up. If not send me a pm of your number and I'll try and sort something out
And by this I don't mean Nandos! I meant galleries etc...
+1 my train back leaves at 10
What station is everyone leaving by?
And does anyone want to hang out before the meal?
Also, anyone travelling from Guildford area?
[FONT="]David Wakelin[/FONT]
[FONT="]cheese cake[/FONT]
[FONT="]Mr Bear[/FONT]
This isn't an accurate representation of whose going to be there on the day, but it should give us an idea when it comes to planning somewhere to have a meal. I'll try and keep this updated though.
Also! If anyone is going to Animex, please check this thread
Been ages since I traveled to London and would want to avoid some of those extreme taxi fares.
If I show up I'll be another old git ..
Tickets booked, should arrive to Victoria Coach Station at around 11:40 AM. Looking forward to this
Wanna pm me your number? I'm getting there about 11, seeing a mate for a bit then i'll come meet you guys.
how many kidneys you got ?
if you ever come to england for a vacation or something, let us know so we can arrange a meetup around it.
Will be nice to meet you all.
i like this plan. 2pm is a good meetup time, it gives enough time to see stuff and make it to the meal without the day dragging out horribly.
Sounds good to me, means I can go to bed at my usual ungodly hour!
There anywhere in particular in the square we are meeting?
Nice to meet some new people and put faces to avatars
**In before Adam asking for pics...Gir took a group photo and I'm sure he will upload it soon