Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum so this will be my first post. I am currently working on a 3D Facial Modelling project at university and I was wondering whether you could let me know what you think. This is the first time I have ever attempted to model a human head so it would be very much appreciated if you could leave some feedback. Bear in mind this is meant for use in a game so the tricount has been kept fairly low, 3608 to be exact.
I hope you like it.

the eyes are very oval shaped, real eyes tend to have more of a angular shape, take at look at some more eye photos.
the renders look pre-rendered. If you're making a game res head, you might as well use a game shader or engine to present it, try using the xoluil shader for max or marmoset
the lips could do with another loop of polygons, and they're currently a bit flat in the profile vew
it also lookslike you could do with more sculpting information as well as some alpha detail in you normal map. you should post up your high poly sculpt to for some crits regarding that.
good work overall!