hi everyone
this is my first post in this forum.
and I was hoping if i could get some feedback.
this is my concept art + zbrush model
of a character called the dragon lord
hope you like it
Holy Crap O o" What in the name of ......
What's that ? Yes, that's a Dragon Lord, but, what's a Dragon Lord ??
a dragon lord is a god who possessed the rare ability to tame and converse with Dragons according to chinese mythology... i think
do you like it?
does it look cool enough to be in a video game?
i would work on the textures, speculars really need some work, work on your material deffinition. Cloth speculars tends to be darker, while metal like gold is more shinny
i would work on the textures, speculars really need some work, work on your material deffinition. Cloth speculars tends to be darker, while metal like gold is more shinny
thanks maxivz
i'll probably have to do it when i'll make a low poly vers in maya and transfer all the maps :thumbup:
Arms are insanely short. Armor doesn't allow for any movement. Design is very noisy/busy. Materials look like a first pass with just flat colors and no proper spec map yet.
The shoulders are really wide. The helmet also is way too big. He would fall over for being too top heavy. The arms are also too short, as Snader pointed out.
Do you mind posting pics without the material or textures applied? Are you doing the entire thing in Zbrush?
Not bad so far man. Like stated before it could benefit greatly from making the arms longer. I think if you made the shoulder pads more rounded like the concept and added some sweet detail to the belt (detail similar to the head piece) it would help pull the whole thing together. Not bad so far man, keep it up
Could you post an image without all the colours and crazy materials on it? It would be easier to see what's goin on and could help get critiques
sorry for the late reply i had some difficulty in logging into the forum.
thanks everyone for the great comments
i dont think the arms are too short becuse
i used a generic model from zbrush. maybe it's because of his shirt.
i guess i have a lot of fixing up to do
i'll start to design a new concept according to your comments
thanks everyone
That main problem with the body is the clothes you put on him don't fit to the body shape. You lost all recognition of a body mass under his clothes. It kinda looks like someone covered him in clay or mud then painted some patterns on him. Its just blooby with not sense of structure.
Try looking up some good reference of what you want to achieve and copy it, exactly.
I found this pic in like 3 second in google.
the problem is that he looks like he's wearing some funky rubber pajamas. The parts that are particularly bothersome are the sleeves. Realistically, your guy couldn't really lift his arms up in that without lifting the skirt up, they're connected to the main chest part waay too low. In the pic that Anux posted, the sleeves sort of mimic the armpit's shape, giving the viewer an idea of the body's shape. If the sleeves were intentionally sculpted this way, then they would bunch up something horrid at the shoulder if the character lifted his arms and would creep up his arm like an undersized shirt would if he lowered his arms to his sides. Also, the folds and wrinkles, though subtle, don't make sense.Check this video out, it would give you a pretty good idea on how to get urself in the right frame of mind.
Hey man not bad of a start, but if I was you I would go back and fix the anatomy issues theres something wrong with his arms. Then redo the armor or at least redo the cape.
I love the ornamental designs in there and the details are nice. i do not agree that his arms are to short looking at the post with the model they are in proportion but ya need to make the cloths less shiny and tone the gold down a little. The cloths as stated could use a little fixing on the arms to match ill use traditional japanese cloths as an example. And i didn't have a problem with the first head gear its a fantasy character and ive seen more bizzar things in games that are less believable in real life.
What's that ? Yes, that's a Dragon Lord, but, what's a Dragon Lord ??
a dragon lord is a god who possessed the rare ability to tame and converse with Dragons according to chinese mythology... i think
do you like it?
does it look cool enough to be in a video game?
thanks maxivz
i'll probably have to do it when i'll make a low poly vers in maya and transfer all the maps :thumbup:
its the lord of dragons.. what did you think?
Do you mind posting pics without the material or textures applied? Are you doing the entire thing in Zbrush?
Could you post an image without all the colours and crazy materials on it? It would be easier to see what's goin on and could help get critiques
thanks everyone for the great comments
i dont think the arms are too short becuse
i used a generic model from zbrush. maybe it's because of his shirt.
i guess i have a lot of fixing up to do
i'll start to design a new concept according to your comments
thanks everyone
started working on the helmet
need to do a new armor piece too
what do you think?
did the chest armor and shoulder armor
i'm not sure about the shoulder armor
what do you think?
That main problem with the body is the clothes you put on him don't fit to the body shape. You lost all recognition of a body mass under his clothes. It kinda looks like someone covered him in clay or mud then painted some patterns on him. Its just blooby with not sense of structure.
Try looking up some good reference of what you want to achieve and copy it, exactly.
I found this pic in like 3 second in google.
but im not sure what you mean
i can't see the problem
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6IKYPrHDz0"]Fabric Sculpting Techniques for Zbrush - YouTube[/ame]
what do you think?
what do you think?
View My Video
With all the other great tips you have got here the real question is, what the hell is that cape made of?
i can take critics i've changed a lot of things in the model
just look what it looks like at the beginning
it is really hard to fix something... when you can't see the problem
i've uploaded the model to sketchfab